Your perfect selfie is #Mobiistar away!

Taking a selfie is an art. And only a few can create a masterpiece. You see, it’s not an easy feat to capture yourself with perfect expressions keeping the picturesque background intact. Don’t believe me! Imagine - you are looking ravishing in your new top and you are waiting for your friends at the mall. You want to capture your best self in front of a beautiful window display before the lipstick fades away and hair goes out of place. You point the camera in your direction and take a couple of selfies. Err! Who are we kidding? 2 are never enough. Taking 2 dozen selfies would a safe bet. But the one you like has two boys in the frame instead of the window display. Even if you try to crop the selfie, you can’t fix the problem. Look at my selfie. I cropped it. Still, I couldn’t take the man out of it. I was aiming at the fountain and clicked the man instead. I posted it because that was the best I could do. As a poor craftsman, I blame the tools. Wish I had a better phone! Something with a powerful selfie camera for inexperienced folks like me. A phone that can capture the background the way I like it.

Because we never forget your first love or shall I say, the first selfie. Here’s mine:

It’s not perfect, but I love it. It has many shortcomings. It’s not sharp. The focus is out of place. It has an extra in the background. What made it memorable though is the interaction and fun I had on Facebook with my friends. They were generous with compliments. They reacted to the funny caption and applauded my spirit.  I posted it with a humorous caption, which reminds me when things are not great in life, our attitude towards it makes a big difference. This selfie reaffirms two beliefs - 
  • It’s important to have good people around us. People who are supportive and positive. They help us sail through times. They can even make our out-of-focus selfie, centered around fun and love.
  • Life is what we make of it. Change the perspective if you can’t change the situation. The selfie was imperfect. But adding a dash of humor, alleviated the imperfections and made it a memorable experience. I liked it when I posted it. But with the positive words in the status, I simply love it.

I’ve not taken any selfie since. I admit I don't know the craft. As I'm reluctant to learn the basics of photography, I’m simply looking for a phone with a better selfie camera. Something that can add to the whole selfie experience. And my prayers are answered with #Mobiistar. It has the best selfie camera in the market. Why is it best? Because it has front, dual selfie camera that can capture a 120° wide-angle shot. Especially co-created with FlipKart to meet Indian customer’s need, the dual selfie camera makes sure we can capture not our family, but even our extended family in one frame. So next time you attend a family wedding, take selfies with all your cousins in one frame without compromising on the background. Include your pesky aunt and young-at-heart granny in it, too. Or take a family selfie with snowclad mountains in the background when you take a trip to a hill station this summer. With Mobiistar, enjoy more and worry less about fitting everything and everyone in one frame. Remember, now a perfect selfie is #Mobiistar away! Even novice people like me also take a sharp, focused, and Facebook-worthy selfie. And hopefully, I will do that soon.

Not only a better selfie camera, Mobiistar has Snapdragon processor and has long battery life. With these features, you can click 100s of selfies without worrying about the battery life. Upload them to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat while you are at it. As Mobiistar says, enjoy more. Leave the technicalities for Mobiistar.

To know more about the specifications, launch, price, and availability, visit and Mobiistar on Flipkart.


  1. Loved your take on selfies Saru! Best of luck for the contest!

  2. So nice :) Wish you all the best.

  3. I did like that selfie caption :D
    and "when things are not great in life, our attitude towards it makes a big difference" was bang on :)

  4. Enjoyed reading your selfie tales. I am not a fan of selfie though I clicked a coupled of rare times and don't know the various angles to get a good shot. You look ravishing in the selfie.


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