Himalayan Village Inside Four Walls - #CleanAirBeautifulHomes

Born in the lap of nature, I call Himachal home. The fresh air is in bounty there, From dusk to dawn. No matter where I live, I crave 3 things - Clean air, fresh water, greenery, With the backdrop of hills. When life took me to an urban jungle, Oh, I did sigh! I made a cozy nest for my family in the city, Bid nature a sad goodbye. I kept it tidy, Did all I could to make it pollution-free. Maintained a cleaning ritual, Kept plants in the living rooms, in yard - planted trees. Little did I know, Inside four walls there is more pollution than outside. Some germs in the obvious places, And some pollutants hiding in plain sight. As a homemaker, I gathered my good senses to fight it out. Women can't just sit and wonder, Listlessly on the couch. I know smoke is a big culprit, It starts from the kitchen. Causes difficulty in breathing, And some cases irritated vision. For fireplace, stove, cooking fire, Some rul...