i wrote a 5-page love letter

the day i met him the world changed its shape i ran pillar to pillar to impress him my heart knew no escape i was 20-something jane he was a greek god the chances of him falling for me were pretty slim and odd i was always good with words so i took my favorite tools i wrote a 5-page love letter love oozed from every molecule i started by writing - my love struck it out twice it was not ladylike to be that direct was my friend's advice then i started with his name a preface on where we met two paragraphs of what i liked about him and 3 lines on how tough he was to get 2 pages on love and soulmates and how i was both i was different, i was a lily not the over-hyped rose a page thereafter layered it with age, commitment, and grace a life-long promise to stand by him in good, better and worst days on the last page i extended him my friendship that was my another strong suit it never withers away it's ...