Being Human

Under the roof of winter,
Latches of my door open without making a sound.
It's cold out there,
Someone lost his ground.
My soul shivers,
Not that I'm cold.
Someone from my land,
Sleeps under the bridge while dreaming of gold.
How can I...
tuck myself in the quilt?
When the winter storm is blowing,
Hopes they have built.
I have to get up,
Do something...
Before I start questioning who am I?
And, they start saying...'Humanity dies.'
Let's work out something,
Take a resolution.
Walk across all kinds of bridges,
And, just be human...

From centuries people are migrating for work or for better opportunities. But, not everyone has a smooth sailing...some live under miserable conditions. Most heart wrenching fact is nobody helps them, not even people from their own countries. I know, everybody is busy chasing the bigger purpose of life. But don't you think we should help people in need? Let's try to be better human beings first than anything else.

This post is inspired from Bikram's post where he writes about Indians who are living under the bridge from many months in London. Read his post here

Please find some time to read 'The Anthem', poem on Indian National Anthem by Saikat. 


  1. Such a touching post which kindles the human inside everyone of us. Staying human is in most ways equivalent of being divine.

    So saddening to see the plight of these people. They certainly need our help and prayers.

    1. I agree staying human is equivalent to being divine. But, we should always try to help those in need. Thanks for your comment Raj...

  2. Its a test that the human spirit has to endure...and generations later no one remembers the days spent below the bridge..eitherway dreams are what life is actually made have captured the essence of the whole thing well...

    1. No one remembers what happens when you get what you dream of...I wish they get what they dream all night under that bridge...Let everyone have the life, they dream of...

  3. i loved it .. so true so very true indeed lets do something ..

    ALthough let me tell you some good news .. there is a firm here which has taken a few of these people and have given them jobs to work at a site , there they can live and work and get food tooo .. so it helps everyone involved .. people get cheap labour and these guys get work and food and place to stay ..

    I did visit this on sunday tooo had gone to london...


  4. A thought provoking poem, Saru. Being human is so important. Especially in a foreign land, having OUR people and their support means so much. It is really saddening that many people's sufferings go unnoticed. And you expressed such scenario with lots of subtlety. Cheers!! :):)

    1. It's really sad when you see even people from your country are not helping you. I hope people come forward to help their own brothers and sisters in foreign land. Thanks for liking it Harsha.

  5. So so true...And I m so glad to read Bikram's comment above. But yes we should do something abt it. I also feel we need to increase awareness amongst ppl and tell them that life is not as hunky dory as they think it is here in abroad.

    1. Actually, people who go back present such a rosy picture that everybody is tempted to come here. Life is much more difficult in foreign land...

  6. Really emotional post. When I hear the news about death toll in North India reaches 75 due to cold waves, I get shivers my self thinking how it would be if me or my family is in that situation. Mostly the victims are the homeless in this case. I really feel for them. :(

    1. It's also very saddening. Life is difficult for all those with less money...

  7. Yes - we must help people in need...

    This was a compassionate and moving post. Thank you.

    1. Right, we must help...Thanks a lot for your comment.

  8. intriguing and provoking entry. words of wisdom, another great master piece from you. thanks for sharing.

    keep coming and stay connected :)

  9. Thought provoking. Being human is a natural instinct we hide beneath our indifference and arrogance. Yet being human is the biggest gigt of all.

    1. I really admire the way you described human instinct. True, being human is the biggest gift.

  10. a very movin post...humanity is wat all humans should remember always...n help people around them...loved it...

    p.s.-i know i ve missd a hell lot of ur poems...srry 4 visitin aftr so many days...will try to make up 4 my absenc 4 sure..:)

    1. I hope more people acknowledge it. Thanks for the comment and no worries about the posts dear. Welcome back:)

  11. Touching and inspiring this is Saru. We must seek to help and fulfill their basic requirement. "What if we were in their condition?", keeping this question in mind, we must act humbly, warmly and helpfully for them in addition to the prayers for their good being.

    Lovely post. :)

    1. I always think on those lines. What if I am the one under that bridge? What would I expect from people around? We should do whatever we can...

  12. nice movement .......thanks for choosing my pic

  13. The shattered dreams look for a hope and those thoughts of yours are surely noble ones!

  14. Thanks for sharing us here inspiring and awakening post. You're heart shows how great person you are through this post. Keep it up Saru:) Thumbs up for this post! :) Smile..:)

    1. Thanks a lot dear and let's help people in need on that note...Cheers!

  15. indeed! unless we start doing something about it no amount of ranting about it will help

    1. Agree Sir...Enough of speaking, you must do something...

  16. yes we all can do our bit to help others .. if i see someone in need of help, i make sure i help him in whatsoever way i can .. god bless us every moment of life to help the unprivileged people around us....


    1. That's really nice of you Rahul. We need more people like you to make world a better place...

  17. "Walk across all kinds of bridges,
    And, just be human..."
    this is simply saying about life..

  18. The fact from Bikram's post is truly inhuman & selfish consequences. But when you give yourself to the accomplishment of an unselfish aim, never expect someone to support you.
    Saru, a dispassionate initiative on your part reflected intelligently & smoothly. Best of luck.

    1. True Sir, we must drive our own efforts for a bigger cause. Waiting for support might not be a wise thing. Thanks a lot for your comment Sir...

  19. i agree fully with magiceye & rahul aggarwal...many,many of us feel that way but how to translate feelings into action? if all of us just stood up & took action ----THAT would b true humanity.

    1. Indeed...Don't wait for things to happen, just drive things...

  20. interesting... true about life

    thanks for visiting my blog

  21. its a sad plight and the poem expresses it well

  22. a really sad and pathetic condition Saru ji.. it is the same in India too... and not just with people who migrate. the homeless and destitute flock the streets and bridges everywhere.
    your poem describes their state in a very touching way Saru Di..
    especially the words "How can I...
    tuck myself in the quilt?
    When the winter storm is blowing,
    Hopes they have built"
    awesome di :)

    1. Poor have difficult life everywhere. I wish more people come forward to help them. Thanks for liking the poem Kriti...

  23. Poverty & misery haunts not only our mainland Indiand but also the overseas Indians. They go to foreigh lands to find solutions but unfortunately end up as question marks. Sad that none are there to help those poor souls!!! Inspiring lines and good theme selection..........

  24. Expressive Saru, as always! Some people have misconceptions that anyone living abroad has a tree growing money in their front yard. But many who go there, suffer and persevere to make their dreams of a better life come true. Its not easy to always help someone in need... but I hope we can all find it in our soul to do so.

    1. It's not easy at all even if you are privileged enough to have a secure job. Living as an alien is very difficult. Even I wish the same Seena...

  25. Very touching Saru.. Recently I came across your blog and now I know why is it so popular in blogosphere. U have a amazing creativity and the words that shower from your blog directly makes everybody's heart drench by its contents:) Keep writing dear:)

    1. Sonia, I doubt being on popular. Thanks for your heart warming words :) :) :)

  26. we all possess great love in our hearts... it's just that our mind takes over the heart most of the times...
    shouldnt v be helping anybody? regardless of their origin.. abroad, even indians act like cold strangers to fellow indians.. don't know why?
    nice poetry saru..

    1. Even I don't know why? I have witnessed it myself...Thanks for liking the poem...

  27. sad and shocking post by Bikram and its plight nicely expressed by your awakening post with a noble thought.

    1. Thanks a lot Kitty. I was sad after reading Bikram's post.

  28. Now that's a complete blogger... poem from Saru, Post from Bikram & Pics from Jidhu... the three Masters of Blogging :)

    Weakest Link

    1. Thanks Rachit. I think we should make you a party next time we come up with something like this...:)

  29. U render new dimensions dear... To the emotions that can be felt through words.

  30. I just read Bikram's post and wondered why they don't return home to their country. The answer is because they destroyed their passports. I don't understand that part ... why would they do this?

    I believe we should help ALL people and not just because we share a common birth place. However, the shocking and sad part of this story lies in the fact that even Indians will not help their own brothers and sisters.

    I really connected with "tuck myself in the quilt". I often feel this way when the desert nights are below freezing and not all homeless people have shelters or places to go to keep warm. There are so many sad situations like this is even the richest of countries. The middle class and poor will always outnumber the rich.

    I wish there was a way to banish this false notion that 'the streets are paved with gold' on the 'other side of the fence' ... good writing, Saru :-)

    1. They destroy it so when caught it can't be decided what country they belong to so they can't be deported. So they are let out on bail while documents get arranged which can take years as that's how India works.
      But sadly now times are tough and this idea is going against them as now they do want to come back to India but can't for the same reason.

    2. Bikram answered your question. I know these notions which people from developing countries carry about developed nation is not entirely true. You come to know the exact picture when you land here. And, I can't understand why Indians don't help fellow Indians. Something beyond my understanding.

      Middle class and poor have a difficult life. They toil entire life to make the ends meet...

      Thanks for liking the work...

  31. Wow... Returning to blogosphere after a long time and am so glad I started with this piece... Beautifully written saru.. Loved it depth in it..!! Being human is one of the most difficult task we all find these days..!! :|

  32. We do forget that there are people who are suffering. Humanity is a very important quality, and when it's lost, there's no point of that person being called a human.
    It was a wonderful post. It's always so sad to see people homeless and deprived.

    1. It is...Heart wrenching at times...Thanks for liking the post!

  33. I had read the post by Bikram before and it was a very tough read and this heart felt poem brings back the memories.

    1. It was very sad, I wept after watching the video. Thanks for your kind words Kunal...

  34. again u touched heart,ya its true ....

  35. So inspiring ! The grass is greener in the other side of the fence but only to find out , its really not.

    1. Right, it's not always what you think or dream of...

  36. What you wrote is so true, Saru. There are so many times, when we overlook needs of our own people and refrain from helping them. I think you have put the agony in a very beautiful way, as usual :)
    Loved it! :)

    1. Thanks a lot Mi for liking it. I don't understand why we fail to understand the plight of our own people...

  37. inspiring and touching post!!!

  38. Amazing amazing amazing.. u know what u've penned down it in a poem which I almost daily feel when I get into my quilt or when in a winter night I see ppl sleeping on pavements..
    You've given all those thoughts of urs, mine and almost all of the correct words..
    Keep it up..

    1. Thanks a lot Rahul for appreciating it so nicely. It's so painful and emotions run so high when you witness something like this...

  39. Sad truth of London Dreams for many.

  40. Beautiful poetry. Thew empathy is so strong and ought to be.

  41. Hopes they have built.
    I have to get up,
    Do something...
    Before I start questioning who am I?
    And, they start saying...'Humanity dies.'

    beautiful and nice poem

  42. Moving and thought provoking true & so tragic. Yes, we need to be humans first! I think people have forgotten what it's to be one!

    1. Many have forgotten...Thanks for your comment Deepa!

  43. I wish more were willing to cross bridges instead of hide beneath them.

    1. Right, provided they get the resources and help...

  44. Very touching words from you...My husband and brother both have to gone away to work in gulf, I can understand what you mean

    1. Thanks Farila...It's really painful at times. Surviving those difficult days without your family...

  45. And still people dream about jobs abroad!! Surprisingly, now-a-days, people from abroad are coming to India for jobs, so we Indians now have competition from external entities as well!! :)

    Touching poem Saru!! Being human is what we humans are ironically lacking..

    1. Yeah, we are shifting gears these days, thanks to IT. Thanks for your comment Binu...:)

  46. Quite true and touching. Good work. :)

  47. Such a heart touching and awakening post Saru.....

  48. wow so touching..!! lets resolve to do something for the lesser fortunate counterparts..:) nd thnx for linking my post

    1. Let's do something...:) No mention, pleasure is all mine...

  49. yeah true that people are busy chasing the bigger dream..and yes people should also realize the fact that it can be achieved only by unintentionally being nice to others...hope the time will come soon

    well put up ..

  50. Touchy n thOught provoking WORDS Dear.

  51. Wonderful post. Most of us can feel the pain. But how many of us are willing to that first step to help others in the need.

    1. I think not many and we need more support...Thanks Rajesh for your comment!

  52. Walk across all kinds of bridges,
    And, just be human... WOWIE

    Beautifully written

  53. Hey Saru humanity will never die
    I know, the speed of humanity is bit
    I believe, till you are on this earth
    It will grow..
    Wisely written..keep writing:):):)

  54. Wow Saru...!!!

    A very touching and nicely written poem I must say... :)

    I also loved the other poem.. "The Anthem"

    great work..! keep it up

    1. Thanks a lot Dheeraj...Where are you these days?

  55. Its just being human that we need to understand "being " again.
    You really know how to weave words beautifully into a string of meaningful magical spells.
    Very soulful, very touching. Loved it , as always :)

    1. Rightly pointed Madhusha, we need to work on the 'being' part. Thanks for your comment dear:)

  56. Recently I read a post by someone which talks of the plight of construction workers in Dubai who have lost their jobs. Some NGO taught them photography and they conducted an exhibition of their work which received good response. When I read this post, I am reminded of the same. Good post. Reminds me of the moral responsibility.

    1. That's great effort. I hope we have more endeavors like this. Thanks a lot for your comment Sir. I am waiting for you to post few chapters, then I will read it together...:)

  57. Its very sad to see but the truth is, humanity is indeed dying slowly... But a good thing is, there are few good souls out there, who are still helping the needy!

    A moving post...

  58. Yes we all are just being selfish without trying to look around those poor needy faces. We are content that we are very happy, but we never even think of those who with our little help could built their hopes and live live better. Hope in the near future our country would get rid of corruption and all the needy get what they deserve bein a citizen.

    1. Right Elvira, as an Indian I want to see our country shine...Thanks for your comment dear...:)

  59. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Sir...Means a lot coming from you...

  60. I wanna express it again Saruuu... I was touched when I read this post first, so couldn't fully get the words outta my mind... Truly a great writing indeed!! :)


    1. That's so nice of you Anand...Thanks a lot, I am touched by this honest comment..:)

  61. As always, touching words from you... Let us all try and do what little we can for others in need!!!

    1. Yeah, lets do our bit...Thanks a lot Nisha for your comment!

  62. Nice Article.. thanks for sharing...

  63. Saru, I find it hard to think of you as a blogger. Instead, Its Saru, the poetess. And you do justice to my conviction each time.

    1. Thanks a lot...Even I don't think of myself like that...I prefer being known as someone who writes from her heart...:)

  64. Wonderful thing your doing by spreading this thing . Love the title being human ...

  65. Saru, there's something romantic about poverty far away...

    1. Don't know Sir...It's the pain we cherish more or the innocence which less privileged people carry...

  66. You know these countries are over rated. We should certainly help those in need...

  67. like your thoughts and love the new look of your blog, now its elegant like your thoughts. simple and pure! keep it up girl

    Keep Rocking,

  68. That was thought provoking....Lovely poem :)

  69. How true! We need to shake our souls and be human... its high time we did that! Great noble poem, very good thought. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yeah, it's high time we do that. Thanks Arti for appreciating the work!

  70. Saru, a small appreciation to you from my side. Nominated you for the versatile blogger award. :)

    1. That's so nice of you. Truly honored and thanks Akshay:)

  71. i don't know what is 'being human' considering the nature of humans...but loosing the insecurity and coming forward to help the needy selflessly is probably achieving that bigger purpose of life.
    lovely post

  72. a very sensitive and untouched topic handled with great maturity...good work :)

  73. This is so sad.. so many people do not care about others.. we just live our own lives. God bless them!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. People are busy in their own lives. Wish we all can spare some time and resources to help others...

      You too have a great weekend:)

    2. great post!!compassion is getting limited to our feelings Saru..getting into action is the need of the hour..I wish I swing myself in full action bt sometimes tight circumstances and sumtyms laziness holds m back

    3. Circumstances is the real culprit from stopping us to do such things. Sometimes, we don't have the resources and power. Still, do what we can and whenever we can...

  74. yes we must help each other
    its important being human

  75. Being charitable and helping people in need are important and as you have said is the very essence of being human. But to what extent? Do we just feed them fish or do we teach them how to catch fish? The former is a short term fix that assuages our guilt. Sadly, most often people stop there. The latter, however, is harder but much more beneficial to humanity in the long run. Which is why I believe it is important for us to be part of a not-for-profit organization that has a set of ideals defining why they are doing what they are doing.

    Nice poem as always Saru. Been recuperating for a while. Now, I have some catching up to do.

    1. I agree feeding is not right and it sure helps us to shed some guilt. I believe in working with NGOs. But recently someone told me that even companies are coming forward to help such people. Though they get less wage rate but a secured job, food and shelter. Even a win-win situation for both the parties is a welcome step.

      Thanks for your thoughts. Enjoy your blog-hop...:)

  76. I agree with Umakant... i think of you as a poetess, and a very gifted one.

    This poem is one which makes you pause, reflect and str4ive to do something. Gr8 work!

    1. Thanks a lot Aabha...Truly honored to read your comment...:)

  77. Powerful, Saru! The last two lines say it all...

  78. You are a poet, not a blogger :) At least, to me!!!

  79. ...Someone from my land,
    Sleeps under the bridge while dreaming of gold.
    How can I tuck myself in the quilt?..

    Brilliant thoughts!

  80. wow saru great thought! :) asusual nice

  81. Humanity is lost these days.... Very touching..

    1. I hope we can revive it...:) Thanks for reading and appreciating...:)

  82. So true! Saru ...I actually realized that after reading your post! Sigh..we truly are obsessively chasing our mighty big dreams are we not?

    1. Yes we are and we don't care what's happening around. It's very sad once we think about it.

  83. You did not say "show kindness" or "give." You did not say you were "sad" for them. What I read was that inner call to morally respond to our fellow human beings--a natural call in response to fellowship that is based on sharing and understanding of mutual dependence; not an act of charity of a superior person giving to an inferior. Yeah..walk the bridge and just be human

    1. Yeah, just be human. Nobody wants sympathy and they want is to be treated with respect and equality. Thanks for taking a note dear...:)

  84. so true..... i really admire wat u hv written .human have lost humanity ... hope to read these kind of thoughts further

    1. Yeah, we are in a race to outdo each other and have become mechanical in the process. Thanks for reading.:)

  85. A touching post. I agree that many people live in miserable conditions in dream of gold but they leave their life behind in search of it!


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