Earn More Money in 2018 with These Tips

All we hear about money management is - cut expenses and save more. It’s a great advice. But we must understand it’s only half-effective. How much more can we save when our income is constant and expenses rise every month? There is definitely a limit to it. In the long run, we can be in a better financial position if we bolster our revenue sources. We know it’s easier said than done. It’s not easy to make money. And it’s certainly difficult to add a new revenue stream. So we have compiled a list which can help boost your income.

Ask for a raise

This is the first and the simplest way to increase your income. Ask for a raise if you are in a job. Increase your service charges if you are self-employed. This doesn’t require learning a new skill set. You only have to ask for your worth in light of increased inflation and your contribution to your organization. Present your case well. Show your worth and contributions while asking for a raise.


  1. nice post you shared..
    . thanks for it..

  2. Some nice tips there. It's always important to increase the sources to generate money. Someone has truly said that one should be able to generate as much money as possible that at the end of month he or she shouldn't just be dependent on the salary which comes into ones bank account.


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