In Between Your Fingers

No matter how much love you have for each other, feelings become dated. Anniversaries become formal dinners and 'I love you' just loses its charm. I brushed my hair and thought about those good old days when dressing up was joyous; the brand of eyeliner, the color of kohl pencil and shiny lip gloss were selected after hours of pondering. Now, they are just essentials on one side of the dresser. Age, sigh! It takes away adrenaline from your love life. Wish there was some magic potion to rekindle that lost romance.

I stacked the brush back, adjusted my coat and added a scarf to beat the cold outside. I walked towards the closet to pick my boots and watched him getting dressed. He looked so fresh and handsome, just like the day I saw him first. He raised his eyebrow pretending to ask. I smiled and sighed. I thought - is this all we have for each other?... a nod and smile to fill such empty moments. I wore my boots and asked if he was ready? He said yes and told me to double check the appliances. Damn, he should have looked at me once! I look nice when I dress up. I checked the appliance, switched off the lights and took the keys to lock the house. He walked past me, too occupied with his phone to even drop a glance. 

I closed the door and turned the key to lock it. I threw keys in my purse. He was standing there, replying to some text. I started walking towards the car. Oh no, I forgot the gloves! Party was in a farmhouse outside the city and I knew, my hands would freeze. I started rubbing my hands while he was smiling, maybe on some joke shared by his buddies on WhatsApp group. He came close, without even looking at me, he grabbed my hands into his own and smiled. Just at that moment when I felt he couldn't be more indifferent, he gave me the same feeling which I had eight years back - the first time he touched me. I felt the same warmth, affection, and love. When he moved his fingers between mine, I felt the adrenaline setting my heart beat high and butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach. 'Gosh, this is that magic potion!' I said. 'What?', he asked. 'Nothing', I mumbled.

His touch was the magical potion we needed to keep the spark alive in our marriage, I thought. He held my hand as we walked towards the car and even in the party. Sometimes, it comes down to these little gestures to dazzle your plain days and to bring back the spark in your life. A nod to answer your questions and a touch to show you care.

Later, I sent him this message ~

"To dazzle my days
Drop some hints without saying much
Better still
A kiss, hug or a touch"

P. S. This was in drafts from ages, thought of publishing it today.


  1. So cute :)

    Alternate ending came to my mind:

    He came close, without even looking at me, he grabbed my hands into his and smiled. For a second, I felt the same rush, as eight years ago, when he first touched me. But he withdrew his hands too quickly and my fleeting moment was gone. Then he pulled out a pair of gloves from his coat pocket and handed them to me. Still smiling, he said, you won't change, would you? I have to be always prepared!
    I said to myself, yes I won't change,and neither won't you!
    We exchanged smiles again but this time I knew I was not missing anything.

    1. That's a very good ending. What I infer from it - you are a terrific husband. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Prateek!

  2. Very soulful and relatable,Saru.

  3. Nice post!Only such little moments and thoughts shape up our life!

  4. It was wonderful. Even I had some butterflies and adrenaline rush reading specially the end part.
    I even liked alternate ending by Prateek.

    1. Me too, I loved the alternate ending by Prateek.

  5. Love every word spelled and you should make it into a book:)

  6. Wow.Loved each and every word.:)

    Sriram & Krithiga

  7. That was a passionate,play of Words:)

  8. Awww...that was so relatable! So romantic! :)

  9. I've no words. It could not have come closer to reality than what it is now :-)

    1. Thanks, Stuti. This is a heart warming comment. <3

  10. Can't express in words dear Saru, how much I loved this post and it is so true my dear. Just at the moment I start feeling the fire is diminishing a small gesture adds lustre to the dull moment :)

    1. True that. Gestures speak more than words.

      Thanks for reading and for a heart warming comment, Roma. :)

    2. True that. Gestures speak more than words.

      Thanks for reading and for a heart warming comment, Roma. :)

  11. Little act with great impact, good to go through such a touchy post.

    1. A genuine gesture has that effect. Thanks for reading.

  12. I loved this post, Saru, because I feel in the same way. There's something in his touch...even after so many years... :-)

    1. Yes, it sparks and stirs emotions in the right away. It has not faded with time.

  13. How emotional Saru Ji ! I have just fallen in love with this post of yours.

    Jitendra Mathur

  14. Very nice one Saru. Enjoyed reading this. Will look for more

  15. You have essayed it perfectly. A woman leaves everything for the man she loves and look for small - small gestures to feel loved. When you look at each other and smile, it says the relation is safe. However, there are couples who cant even smile at each other with love.

    1. Yes, there are all kinds. To be very honest, it takes a lot from each side to keep the relationship alive.

  16. Lovely read Saru! I know we all pass through 'where did the romance go' phase in our lives....and these little sparks rekindle the old flame!

    1. Things that we look forward to. Things that make perfect memories.

  17. Little gestures do keep the spark alive and changing the going on a holiday together to spend some romantic time too should make it to the list. Lovely post, Saru.

    1. You've repeated Alok's words. Anything and everything is translated into travel in our home.

  18. Lovely post and very expressive.

  19. Ahh the smell of romance :)


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