Life is what you make of it, literally!

Like many of you, even I have had bad phases in my life. Summer of 2012 was bad, February 2013 was worse and I can’t even begin to talk about April 2014. And you know what happens when you have series of bad phases? Yes, you get sick of it! You want to have a magic wand that just paints everything merry. Sigh, it never happens. So, like one sane soul said - things won’t change unless you do. I did what was needed, I changed myself. One fine October evening last year I decided that whenever things would go bad, I will start doing something productive to shift my focus. Hence, my first 30-day challenge started.

I took the challenge to cook 30 different breakfast items. It worked out pretty well. I wanted a distraction, something that kept me busy and happy. It did all that and there was a bonus. After completing the challenge I realized, now I will remember November 2014 for something good, not for the agony I was facing. As the saying goes - life is what you make of it. Before taking that challenge, it was just another saying, but now I know the meaning of it. I have no control over what life brings on my platter. I can, however, make some colorful memories and put those over the colorless days of my life.

A peek into the first 30-day challenge

Since my first challenge, my life is filled with positive vibes. Maybe, I have learned to face life head-on. I don’t curse life, people or things. I simply put all my energy into making myself happy, creating sweet memories for a lifetime. Now even in the worst of circumstances, I am happy or at least, I try to be. There is no more cribbing, useless pondering and grief. I feel I have truly grown into an adult. There are three challenges in my journal now. Each bigger and better than previous. I have lost 17 pounds, thanks to 100-day walk challenge. I have more control over my feelings, courtesy 100-day writing challenge. The best thing is - I am loving my life. The bad phases are buried under the beautiful experiences that I have created. I feel I am more in control of my life. When I look back at the first quarter of this year, I see achievements and dollops of positivity. There is no room for even thinking about what all problems knocked my door. In fact, I am too busy to take note. 

Last Wednesday when I bid goodbye to something I dearly loved, it also marked the beginning of another chapter of my life. I’ve understood it’s my responsibility to keep myself happy. Either I can waste my days fretting or I can make the best of it. Latter sounds a better option, isn’t it? If anyone of you is going through a bad phase, just pick up anything from your bucket list, create a meaningful challenge and sparkle your dull days. You see, life is what you make of it.

To life - Throw those lemons, I am all game!


  1. This is such a positive thing you did. I haven't challenged myself for a while now despite being 'sick' of things sometimes. Writing helps in a big way I guess. I am glad to come across your blog.

    1. Writing helps. I think being in action helps. One must never sit in a corner and crib.

      Thanks for a warm comment. Welcome here, Sonia.

  2. Awesome post Saru! Indeed, life tests us, it tests the tougher more. You are tough.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  3. Lovely post Saru! Truly uplifting. This is what we call positive lifestyle!

  4. oh! Saru I love you for this post. You know. I am also going through really bad phase of my life . I woke up at 2 AM and was gazing in to the dark, I have been recently scolded by my friend , I have also been given a title of Meena Kumari :P .
    Sometimes you really need friends, a cup of tea, a post like your's to read.
    I am sure gonna give myself some challenge like this. :)
    Thanks for the post.
    Another point , generally when you are going through some bad phase of your lif e, people try to console you, it's ok , ho jayega , but challenging yourself is the best advice that one could give at such a time :)

    1. People pour suggestions but it is hardly uplifting. I got tired of being Meena Kumari. I wanted to change my life. More importantly, I wanted to end that depressive feeling we get when things go wrong. These challenges help me a lot. I keep busy and happy and that too, with a purpose.

      Thanks for reading and sharing your story.

  5. Saru your 30 day challenge food pics look so tempting. There is something good about taking up challenges. The sense of satisfaction derived from concentrating yiur efforts gets you going as I found in the AtoZ challenge.
    Best of all is your jhakaas take on lemons in life !!!

    1. They do! Thanks for reading Somali and for your wishes. :)

  6. "I’ve understood it’s my responsibility to keep myself happy."- This positive attitude is very much needed for a peaceful and joyous life, the more we practice is, the nearer we are to peace. :-)

    The dishes look so yummy Saru, congrats on finishing the challenge super successfully.... :-D

    1. Thanks Maniparna. Completing each and every challenge is a very satisfying.

  7. I could relate a lot to this post, you know. Even when I go through some deplorable down phases of my life, I try to distract myself and do all the things that make me happy. Indeed, life is what you make it!
    I feel this post is written for me as I really needed a reminder today that I should pick something from my bucket list right away and make my life more meaningful. Thanks, Saru :)

    1. We all feel the same. Important thing is where we want to go from the bad phase; do we really need a better life? If yes, we will work for it.

      Do share what start with and thanks for reading.

  8. Lovely post.. It is truly motivating, many times we keep thinking to change things but won't try to get up , act and change things. you reminded me to take action in life and your dishes made me hungry :)

    1. Hehehe... You are most welcome to try them out. Yes, as they say - things won't change, unless you do.

      Thanks for reading.

  9. It is necessary to stay positive in life. If we are not satisfied with ourselves then no matter how much good things are happening around us, it would all just seem bad.

  10. Sorry to hear abt the bad phase..but remem its just a phase it shall too pass ;)

    South Asian Women

  11. Great message there and so wonderful of you take that challenge. All we need at times is distraction. Those pictures were so tempting! Loved them..

    1. Yes, a healthy distraction. Thanks for reading, Parul.

  12. Full of positive energy, encouragement and inspiration!
    Thank you Saru, I so badly needed it..:)

  13. That's such a motivating thought Saru.. thanks for this amazing idea.. After completing A-Z challenge, I now understand how personal challenges can be so much fruitful for self-development. I will now take challenges like you have said and make a difference to my life..

    1. A-Z is big. I have huge respect for those who take part in it. Thanks for reading Roohi and for a heart warming comment.

  14. If any of you is going through a bad phase, just pick up anything from your bucket list, create a meaningful challenge and sparkle your dull days. You see, life is what you make of it.meaningful message saru ji

  15. Very positive. I hope this spirit of yours only keeps growing. :)

  16. lovely spread..indeed wholesome efforts. You rock gal!

  17. This post is filled with positivity. Kudos to you for all your triumphs. Personally, I have always admire the positivity in you. You are warm and encouraging and so much fun. You are right! We can turn the tables on our circumstances. Personally, I have also learned that stewing in misery makes one even more cynical and negative. Take the bull by the horns and things get better. You go, girl. Lots of love.

    1. I agree, it's like - we are nurturing the misery and letting it grow at our expense.
      And thanks for your comment, it really means a lot to me. <3

  18. Very inspiring Saru.I admire you for taking life head on.Jeeteraho!

  19. As we grow older in life, we stop challenging ourselves. We try to play safe most of the times with life and complacency fills our life. The result is that there is no feeling of sense of achievement in life and this becomes very frustrating. Good or bad whatever be the phase, we should keep challenging ourselves.

    Thanks for such an inspirational post.

    1. Right, keep the spark alive anyhow. Thanks for reading Anoop!

  20. A very motivating post. I could completely relate to it as I have experienced lots of low days in my life. Had to infuse positivity irrespective of fear that engulfed me.
    Reading your post refueled my energies.
    Thanks a lot.

    1. Hugs Swati, we have to put our best during those times. :)

  21. Easier said than done but once started ..its heaven. Very inspiring Saru specially as I am right now in somewhat similar messy situation and instead of taking the first step I am harping the tomorrow song.daily, from 4 months !
    Phew feels good unburdening your soul.. Or maybe I am empty of excuses (no I am not!) So I am taking this post of yours as a divine guidance to show Me the right way !
    Kudos to you on all three fronts and the food challenge is such a welcome for other family members too :D :)

    1. Yeah, food challenge was great. Alok was very happy.

      And hugs to you. Just keep yourself motivated. As they say - things won't change unless you do.

  22. This is such a lovely read Saru!

    Thank you for this. You are right when life is bad, its better to create something. I am also in the learning phase.. and your write up has certainly motivated me.. I have started writing more and more and taking care of my self.. lots of love and light to you :)

  23. What an encouraging and motivating post Saru. True that the best challenge one can give is to self which is the most difficult one. One who challenges self emerges victorious sooner or later.

  24. Very heartfelt and true post. Good job. Lot of things that we can learn from this article. Thank you.

  25. What a positive read! Well done you.

  26. Positive attitude does help face challenges. Great post, Saru. 100 day writing challenge- I need to take this for enforcing writing discipline.

  27. Applause! Someone said "There is nothing good or bad in life but your thinking makes it so" or some such thing. Made a deep impact on me. I do know that the saying is facile and there ARE things that are good or bad but the thinking still decides HOW much I get affected. Diverting the mind is a great way of reducing the impact of anything

    1. Yes, all diversions with purpose are often the best remedy. Thanks for reading, Sir.

  28. ATTITUDE!!!!! yeah that's really matters in life. Positive attitude plus a challenge in life always opens doors to happiness. But the other fact is this also, that to recognize the dawn in dark is not easy task at all.......

    1. Well said, never thought from this angle. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful perspective with us. :)

  29. Great Saru! This post is directing towards a better life indeed. I can relate to same scenarios and it differs only in terms of the way we deal with them. And challenges are best to shift your focus on bettering self. Glad to land on this post. Thanks for the awakening.

    1. You are welcome here, Tara. Thanks for reading. :)

  30. Way to go, Saru. Such a bright post.
    I could use a few points from here. ;) I'm inspired. I really am. :)

    Congrats on the 17 pounds. That is big. (y)

    1. Don't congratulate me on 17 pounds, I think I have gained those back. :P

      It feels great to read your comment, Dee.

  31. Kudos to you! I think that's the best way to drive away the sad or upsetting part. I'll also try to do something like this. Very inspiring. I admire you for taking life this way.

    1. Yes, such distractions help. Thanks for your lovely comment, Nisha.

  32. great article
    I'm inspired. I really am. :)

  33. This should be made a sticky one. As they say, you show how to, and it gets ingrained. You decoded it so aptly, I'm grabbing those....

    To crib is easy,
    To accept/act is tough
    I'm learning to do that
    Let the waters get rough

    You nailed it!

    1. Such a lovely interpretation. Thanks for reading Susmit. :)

  34. Indeed it is our responsibility to make our life happy. This post is like a summaryof what I went through. Cooking. Walking.. and what not? I tried my hands at many things to keep myself distracted from my troubles. even I started writing to come out of my stressful days. Here I am today.. So much positivity spread.. Lovely post Saru.. Hugs! :)

    1. Hugs Meera. I know what you are talking, once we know how to tackle it, we ace it. The positivity never fades, it grows. :)

  35. Indeed an inspirational blog! Kudos! Keep blogging😊

  36. Very positive and mindblowing blog..I really loved the essence of your writing to inspire others just by being yourself...Keep writing :)

  37. Thats such a positive post....:) Its bful... Keep writing :)

  38. That's a really inspirational post. It's always fun to throw challenges for oneself and the best part is when we are able to successfully pass those challenges and achieve much more than what we set out for. Keep going :).

  39. This one is really motivational and inspirational post. It reminded me one of the dialogue of a movie
    "Zindagi ek paheli hai.
    Kabhi dushman kabhi saheli hai"

    A masterpiece creation of which you are a master.

  40. I wholeheartedly agree with you that nobody but me is responsible for my it is better to do something than crib

  41. are right
    .Life is what you make of it, literally!

  42. What we think we become.So it is in our hand to change the way that brings the positive impact on us.Great Post.

    Sriram & Krithiga

    1. Yup, our mindset has that power.
      Thanks for reading.

  43. Saru, thankyou for sharing this post again on FB. Such a positive piece of advice for anyone. What's even better is that you are proof that it is do-able.. so that's more encouraging. :) I had to scroll down quite a bit to post a comment... which proves that this has touched numerous souls... So inspired to take up a challenge.. this post found me at the right time. God bless!

    1. Glad that you find wisdom and sorry, it came the hard way. Thanks a ton for a heartwarming comment, Seena. <3


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