Be A #Dare2Stare Champion

Life is a roller-coaster ride. There are days when we are on cloud nine and there are days when we feel down for no rhyme or reason. It’s a mixed bag of emotions considering what all happens around us on a daily basis. Still, we must try to stay positive - by concentrating on goodness and channelising our energies towards fruitful activities. I do that, it’s like my go-to bag for surviving stress that comes with our fast paced lives. These are the things I do to change my perspective from good to better and trust me, it changes the way I see the world.

A long walk with music on
Music is a therapy and so is a long solitary walk, at least for me. It recharges me. During my long walks, I sort out my feelings and untangle actual concerns from useless affairs. Once the baggage is sorted, I see a clear picture sans prejudice. It helps me to concentrate on worthy affairs that ensures progress. And once anyone is onto something productive, he or she worries less and enjoys more. Don’t you think so? Whenever I am confused, worried or restless, I take a break and go for a walk. This exercise rejuvenates me and changes my perspective towards what all is happening around me. It fills me with positivity.

Be with positive people
What we see is what we believe - it can’t be more true and simple than this. If we see happy people around us, we feel the world is a better place. When we interact with such confident, cheerful and jovial souls, their positivity rubs on us. They turn mundane things into fun and take problems as challenges. In a sentence - they are optimistic people who have an extraordinary quality of making things bright. When I feel distraught, I call my friends who I know would infuse a dose of positive energy in me. One telephone call and I see myself looking at the good and bright side. Change your world by keeping positive people in it - I truly believe and practice this.

Accept life gracefully and be thankful for it
Many a times, I feel bad for not having something. Sometimes, I even curse my luck, but in the end I rationalise. I think about what I have and others don’t. And what they have and I don’t. When I do that, the feeling of injustice, comparison and judgement vanishes. It has a humbling effect. You accept and embrace your life, as if whatever you have is enough to make life beautiful and better. As the famous song goes - kisi ko mukammal jahan nahi milta.

Recently I watched this video, where a lady challenges others to take #Dare2Stare challenge - a game where the one who blinks first loses. She asks for complete honesty and later on, discloses that she is blind. That moment, a realisation struck upon me - how can I even complain about some petty things, like how I look when there are millions in the world who can’t even see. I am blessed with one of the most important senses and I never appreciated this gift. I realised what I truly have. And I pledged to bridge this gap of haves and have nots by donating my eyes.

We all want to leave something to be remembered about. Giving someone the gift of vision is a great way to achieve it. Imagine if everyone or most of us donate our eyes, nobody has to struggle with darkness. Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital is working towards the noble cause of bringing color to the lives of thousands of people and they need our support. There are 2.5 lakhs people who can get vision by corneal transplants from donated eyes. It’s not a tall dream, it’s very achievable if we come forward and take this pledge.

Donate your eyes and change the way others see the world. It’s very simple, visit to be a part of this noble cause.


  1. A Truly inspirational post that will breathe life into those who tend to be inert with a morbid obsession with depression.

    1. Thanks, hopefully when motivated they can join and be part of this noble cause.

  2. Love the video on the post that inspires. We feel bogged when things get unsettling but perhaps we need to fall, stop for a while and keep walking.

  3. we are blessed and we should be thankful. we should pledge to share our blessing. let us bring some change. nice write up, Saru :)
    A Rat's Nibble : Be The Change

  4. Inspiring write up and for a worthy cause. Very nice post Saru.

  5. I saw that video too, its touching indeed. Its good to see bloggers like you writing for these noble causes. Good work :)

  6. Tell you what, Saru?

    I'm being a shameless thief and stealing some of your brilliant phrases. You have a beautiful command over the mischievous words, where they stop romping around and teasing you. They lie down as if a monster muzzled. I'm just trying to steal them and hope that they realize that I'm your friend and show the same loyalty. You can never trust these words! They don't have any brains but they can affect that organ.

    I beg forgiveness and, ensure you that mai sudharne wala nahi. I will keep on stealing. :D Hell! Even Krishna was a thief!

    A very brilliant article and I just loved your command over the King's Language!

    1. Hahaha... Imitation is a form of flattery, I can just say that.

      Thanks for a beautiful comment.

  7. I appreciate the variety of your literary offerings. Here you've taken up a cause which is worthy of sincere applause. Keep It up!

  8. SO true, being with the positive people infuses positively magically.
    And I am glad we are all making this effort to bridge the gap between have and have-nots...

    1. We can only try and honest efforts never go wasted. Thanks for reading dear.

  9. that is I love you for writing this. Very honest and yes inspiring!
    We all need to appreciate the little things in life.

    1. Yes, we must appreciate the little things in life.
      Thanks for reading, Red!

  10. Very positive outlook to life. Cheers!

  11. Very inspiring...simple thoughts put so nicely, allowing us to revisit the way we perceive life.

  12. Love this post, very inspirational. As a guy who's had lots of ups and downs in life, I can certainly appreciate it!

    1. I appreciate that and more strength to you. :)

  13. We never really appreciate what we have. Instead we mostly tend to concentrate on things we actually don't have.

    A truly inspirational post and video which makes one think that we are actually really lucky to be blessed compared to so many others who suffer day in and day out.

    1. Yes, we are blessed in many ways. I hope many learn to count the blessings, rather than waste energy on brooding.


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