Postcards from Melbourne

Studded with skyscrapers, yet maintaining abundance of natural beauty around it.
Bustling streets, yet many tranquil places throughout.

Melbourne - A city with lots of contrast and character, a city that has a lot to offer to everybody. No wonder, it’s called the ‘most livable city in the world.’ I have never been there but have heard a lot about it from a friend who has sent these postcards about her adventures in this cosmopolitan city. And these postcards gave me a peek into this thrilling, modern and elegant city and I just fell in love with it.

In love with...
Stunning gothic style architecture of St. Paul's Cathedral
Hustle and bustle of Flinders Station and cafes around
The tranquility that seeps within you when you visit Cook's cottage
Uber-alive and ever-alive energy of Federation Square
And, the Hosier Lane for the modern artwork plastered in every corner

In love with...
Southern hemisphere's highest viewing platform - Eureka Skydeck 88, and the astonishing view of city from it
Mecca of cricket - Melbourne Cricket Ground

In love with...
Vintage charm of City Circle Trams
The vibrant shopping and dinning experience in Queen Victoria Market
Wild life adventure offered in Melbourne Zoo
Adventure of witnessing over 10,000 aquatic animals in Melbourne Aquarium

In love with...
Stunning vistas stretching over 243 kilometers along side the Great Ocean Road -
apostles, surf breaks, waterfalls and gorgeous towns on it

In love with...
The architecture and view from The Shrine of Remembrance
Lush greens and landscape of Royal Botanical Gardens

In love with...
Winery tours and wine tasting sessions in Yarra Valley

In love with...
The  magical experience of riding Puffing Billy 
Exploring the mysterious Dandenong Ranges

In love with...
Thrill of spotting the landmarks of city from high above on sunrise on a hot air balloon

And lastly, in love with...
Quirky lanes, amazing cafes and cosmopolitan appeal of the city. And the way Melbourne embraces you with its charm and modern lifestyle.

So, these are my reasons to fall in love with Melbourne. Which of these places would you want to visit in Melbourne and why?

*To know more about this chic and cosmopolitan city of Melbourne, check tourism Victoria website.
**Image Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
***Answer the question in the post and win a gift voucher. Contest ends 4th Jan, 2015.


  1. Good reasons for a trip, Saru! Best wishes for the contest!


  2. Nice one!!! I would say, it's compact and beautifully presented.
    Well...if you ask me to pick ONE place out of so already makes a tough reading. But then, being a cricket task is slightly easier. With a whooping seating capacity of over 1 Lakh, presenting a mind-boggling “atmosphere”… it is certainly a cricket lovers’ paradise; watching a live cricket match at the MCG certainly tops my wish-list. And AIB has rightly pointed out, it is truly a dream-come-true experience to shout-out “Saaachinn…Saaachinn” sitting in the jam-packed gallery…And the fact that it's hosting the WC 2015 finale, is a lip smacking prospect. I'm still searching for good deals in Australia since I plan to watch the WC live at the Mecca of cricket and I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

    All the best for the contest :)


  3. Great job!! I was thinking of the same concept with the same heading but then thought it's too much hard work!! Good going girl, I can imagine how much time this must have taken :)

    As for where I'd want to go in Melbourne - there are so many places. To get a bird's eye view, I'd sit in the hot air balloon and just take in the views. From there I'll pick more places to visit.

  4. Great!!...Thumbs up for the creativity...all the best...hope you win :)

  5. Gorgeous pics and places. Wish you luck.

  6. Amazing creativity Saru. Completely mesmerised by the way you described your love towards the most liveable city in the world, Melbourne. My pick would be 12 Apostles, as I am a hard-core nature enthusiast. A long drive across the shore with 12 apostles on one side and my beautiful wife on another side will make my day without a doubt.

    I completely enjoyed your post, however I'd love to hear your say on mine as well

    My best wishes and happy new year 2015 :-)

  7. Awesome pics Charu and best wishes for the contest and also many wishes for a happy new year.

  8. Great idea.
    Such a cool post. All the best Saru.

    My answer:
    I would love to drive on the Great Ocean Road and see the Apostles and their kin before nature decides to do away with them. Landforms! just can't get enough of them.

  9. Lovely pictures & brilliant descriptions of Melbourne. Happy New Year.

  10. Very innovatively written post ,Saru !
    I cannot make a single choice ,but being a lover of good food and fresh produce ,I would zero in on Yarra valley as the must visit place for its Segways and wineries . After all it's sparklies are world famous !Phillip Island is another place high on my list for its marine life and scenic landscape .

  11. Accha are you going to pay me for making me crave for such a trip. Why write such posts :/

  12. Some lovely pics there. Would love to go on the road trip to Great Ocean Road. With the amazing views it provides and it also being selected as one of the best road trips in the world, would surely be a fascinating experience.

  13. Great post as always madam. After reading your post & watching all the videos, I’d most like to visit the Dandenong Ranges for it’s scenic beauty, breathtaking view and cool breeze blowing through my hair. :P I’d give anything away for driving through the winding roads which are present throughout the ranges. I’d love to stay at one of the bed and breakfast cottages and go on frequent excursions in the forests with my camera which provides excellent views. And not to forget the famous ride in the Puffing Billy, a day reserved especially for that. To add to that, there are also several picnic spots for me and my friends to spend a fun-filled day and the ranges are a perfect spot for hiking and cycling.

    Wish you and your blog a busy and grand new year! :D

  14. nicely presented and organised :)
    happy new year :)

  15. All the best Saru.. lovely pics

    Wishing you and everyone around you a very very happy new yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  16. Yes Saru ,
    Indeed Melbourne is a city of contrasts
    Interesting Post
    After reading your post and watching all the videos
    I feel I have stepped into a kaleidoscope called Melbourne
    Where Vistas of experiences would unfold one after another
    The nature lover in me is enticed by the thought of watching the penguin parade.
    Traveling though the great ocean road, soaking up the freshness as the breeze ruffles my hair gets me in the mood to pack my bags for Melbourne.
    But before I can move ,Puffing Billy whistles and invites me for a ride. The kid in me jumps with joy at the thought of visiting Pannys Phillip Island Chocolate Factory
    Even before I can deside on the list of places that I would like to see in and around Melbourne.
    What’s that noise that I hear ?
    Oh its loud cheer from MCG as the cricket world cup 2015 is about to kick start.
    So many plces to see and so much to do.
    I am thetimetraveler ( ) and I have decided … Melbourne here I come ( ).

  17. The Great barrier reef, what else? There's only one word to describe it completely, - Mesmerising. What more would one want if one gets to see the great barrier reef, the corals and the numerous creature our oceans have hidden away from us still preserving them for us. Ah, the sights make me yearn for a tour to Australia, atleast once in a lifetime.

    - Ranjith (

  18. Great post! After reading your post & watching all the videos, I would definitely want to visit all those amazing places when I get to visit Melbourne :) But of all, my top pick would be a visit to Yarra valley for a beautiful sunrise balloon flight. After seeing the video, I can't stop myself from dreaming a romantic magical flight above the scenic vineyards and watching the sunrise from up above! Throw in my favorite wine, I will doubly enjoy the ride sipping my glass and taking sensational selfies all the way :) Now I can't think of a better way of spending a vacation!!

    Next of course, cruising through the great ocean road in a open-top car to enjoy the coastal scenery and the iconic 12 apostles for the nature's amazing work at play. Then a ride around the city in the vintage trams to enjoy its urban splendor and the legendary puffing billy to enjoy its natural splendor. Finally a day at the hot springs to unwind and totally rejuvenate myself :)

  19. Looks like an amazing place!

  20. Wows! I am in love with Melbourne :) Great post Saru. All the best!

  21. Hi!
    We know beauty never need words but without words it cannot be explained and when you get wordless after seeing it... your mouth still get open wide and WOW comes out. Dear! Your explanation about Melbourne is wonderful and picturesque description. I am a person who always attracted to nature first of any place so I would love to see the Melbourne Nature & Wildlife. The 12 Apostles rock formations is world famous rocks which changes its color in sunrise and sun set. And then I will see the Phillip Island Nature Park where I want to see the animals which I hardly see in India. I never saw Penguins, Koala and other animals.
    Driving on a smooth road with natural beauty around you, it always gives you a feeling of heaven on Earth. I would love to drive on Great Ocean Road which is also famous in world to give you a scenic experience and the pleasure of that driving is amazing.


  22. Amazing Article.
    If I get a chance to visit Melbourne then
    I would like to spend my time in the Great Otway National Park, because I love watching animals. I would love to take a city tour by travelling on the Tram's of Melbourne. By travelling in tram's I want to explore every nook & corner of Melbourne. Besides this I would love to watch the amazing architectures of Melbourne like Eureka Tower, Royal Exhibition Building, etc. And without enjoying festivals, my journey would be incomplete so I will celebrate Australian Festivals.
    And how can I forget The MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground). As cricket is my favourite sport I would love to watch the Cricket world cup final which will take place at the largest stadium of Australia, that is, MCG.

    - Manu
    Harstuff Travel -

  23. What a beautiful post, like they say Direct Dil Se. And who could think of Postcards in this age of instant messaging only a True Poet at Heart. All the best for contest. As for me I am looking forward to visit the MCG

  24. Hey ,Superb post ,so all set to pack bags to have a thrill at Melbourne…Now being high on my wish list:)U’ve very well covered "the best of Melbourne" & for the entry in contest ,there cannot ever be a single place for me..It has to be a bouquet of places to feel calm down my zest to explore it..So naming ,first comes the Great Ocean road not just to linger or have a decent walk but to amaze myself with Jetskiing ,Scuba diving & to try swim with Dolphins & seal! Yay ! these b’ful creatures would be lucky to share a swim with me;) .Then it would be "Eureka Sky deck, to have an awe inspiring experience to be closest to sky & get the sky deck view of this liveable city & MCG to watch & cheer the players on one of the worlds best cricket ground!

    Wishing u Best of Luck & a great year ahead!!

    Visit my blog@

  25. Well, well, well... the postcard concept is rather poetic. And now that you have put in so much inspired art in the post, the one thing that i would love to do while in Melbourne, will be hiring a Segway and going for a long journey by the Yarra.

    I'm sure, you aren't surprised.

    The segway would take me further and tire me less... and I'd be able to explore the art world by the Yarra in a far more comprehensive way thus. Yes, I'd love to click the public art on display there... maybe sit down and sketch a few on my iPad...

    Art circuit is thus what I will go for. And to explore art, I just might opt for tram rides through the town and visit the art galleries and the museums. Or maybe take the elevator in the Eureka to go up to the Skydeck to watch the great confluence of heritage and contemporary architecture from the top. Or maybe walk around through the lanes and bylanes to discover the wonderful graffiti and the wall art of Melbourne.

    So while in Melbourne, it is going to be A-R-T. :)

    Arvind Passey

  26. I am an adventurous soul so it would be a thrilling ride on the Great Ocean Road. I want to witness all the natural and lush green beauty along the drive. After the drive I would like to soar high on the hot Balloon and want to experience the holistic view of Melbourne from the balloon.

    Visit my entry for the same on

  27. Hi
    My email id is
    in case you decide me as a winner

  28. This is simply the best post I have come across, Saru! Simple but briliant!

  29. @Everyone - Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely comments.

    @Hemaa - The winner is Sammya. Thanks for sharing your mail id. :)

  30. Wow..lovely postcards..very well deserved...

  31. Very creative post.. Well deserved..
    But, I have one question Di..
    How will you go alone to Melbourne??? :(

    1. Who says I am going alone? I will surely have company.

  32. Very well deserved post 😊

  33. Congrats on the win Saru! Creativity at its best...loved the postcard idea :)

  34. Oh what a creative post Saru, totally loved it. Keep going!!

  35. Congrats on your win!!! And this post is just wow Saru. Loved it. Enjoy your stay in Melbourne. Cheers! :)

  36. Congratulations so happy for u..w hen r u leaving?



    1. Don't know yet. Thanks for your wishes, Ananya! :)

  37. Well deserved post for the winning

  38. Nice post. I just loved Melbourne. Enjoy your stay and keep us "posted"!

  39. Saru ji, Many many Congratulations, Best wishes :)

  40. Awesome post Saru. Congrats on the win and Enjoy the vacation! Love!
    A Rat's Nibble


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