That Gulmohar Tree

She posed and posted,
Drifted away from real life.
She lived her life only virtually,
Far far away from deafening cries.

Fabricated truth, fake applause,
She counted, collected too many.
Victim in her own fiction,
Beyond reasons any.

She posed in front of Gulmohar tree,
But never bothered for a touch.
Never cared to bask in its shadow,
Her life was in a maddening rush. 

It ended one day,
Virtual smiles, hugs lost its meaning.
She sat under that Gulmohar tree,
Drowned in her own screaming.

She rubbed her wet eyes,
Frisked through the piled debris.
It gave her joys in between,
But couldn't find who was she?

Escape, she might,
Never bury herself in it.
Never again to be a victim,
Of the facade she built.

No shape so true, no truth so false.
She never hid herself again behind virtual walls.

*Image Source - Google


  1. Very nice. Seemed a little lonely at times.

    1. Yeah, if someone is totally dependent on virtual world, he sure is lonely.

  2. Such a meaningful one...I bet most of us are going to relate to this one...I am glad she ended the virtual (un)reality....

    1. (Un)reality, you said it all in one word Vidhya. Thanks for reading.

  3. Saru...this one I am afraid I don't get it. Because I can only speak taking my own life as a workshop. I find solace among nature. People often disappoint me because of reasons that r many but mostly I don't like dishonesty. Just a few days back u won't believe what happened to me at this famous bird hospital in Delhi. I had taken my ailing fan-tailed pigeon for treatment there. This doctor posed the most awkward question to me, he asked me, " Seems you r too attached to birds but what about people?" I was just too embarrassed . Imagine a bird doctor asking u this. It's not that one becomes a misanthrope because someone spends his quality time somewhere else. Ab mann pasand log ko Kahaan Kahaan doondhaein??? I felt like telling it all to him but I just smiled and said, " yeah love people too..." . Don't know whether I lied or spoke the whole truth but the real truth is trees don't use us...animals also don't. They are more trustworthy than people. Aur kuch nahin toh they give u company when other who lay tall claims when u r basking in glory scoot away when u r in low times.
    Moreover today tell me the this whatts app, Facebook status update show off , self promotion there any who is living a real world nowadays. I don't see any. Hell even in Raksha Bandhan...while I was buying vegetables I saw sisters getting mehndi done and in a death like hurry to post it all for fb...
    Some virtual world this...what truth...what facade...we r all living the virtual world now Saru.
    Apologies...I always have to say...lots when I have to say...that is...
    Ur poem composition is a good one...and I am not trashing that. But I want you to speak to me please.

    1. Hypocrisy, it's everywhere. Glad you liked the poem and thanks for sharing your experience with us. :)

  4. Oh yes Saru I shall post my reply on my blog to but because I know u will be here first than there...thank you for appreciating my pics. I am now 8 months old with my NIKON 5100 ( DSLR ) . Yeah my earlier blogs had cyber shot Sony pics. Pls pls visit my new blog to know about that man in my life who helped me with my new gadget . Will wait to see u there Saru...if it matters...I always wait for u...

    1. Congratulations, I told you even I want to take photography lessons.

  5. I wanted to write Good One and wanted to Go away But there is something strange with this post.,Meaningful indeed!

  6. Hmm all I can say is did u write this keeping me in mind :D I know we dont know personally but how true I could see myself in everyline here

    1. I think we all can relate to it. We seek solace in virtual world and often end up getting restless because of it.

  7. saru the picture above has brought some memories my house back home has the trees right at the gate and what a lovely view it would be , as the trees would be in full bloom red and yello ..

    and the poem .. it made me a bit sad too.. the facade people play of being friends in this internet world..


    1. True, you escaped it and that's really good for you.

  8. So beautiful Saru! The photo and the poem - enchanting!

  9. Standing up and applauding, Saru! Sadly, this is so true of many.

    1. Thank you so much. Sadly, it's true for many of us.

  10. Beautiful Saru! I always love the way u express such deeper meanings effortlessly!

    1. Elated! Such comments make my day. Thanks Shaivi.

  11. Enchanting poem Saru, such a sad truth. At least she gave up the facade.

    1. Hope others understand this. Thanks for reading, Kiran.

  12. wonderful poem...
    it reminded me my school days
    really awesome....

  13. Brilliant. I could relate to this poem that you have penned beautifully. How often we are filled with regret, a yearning for a second chance... But life goes on.

  14. Sometimes I feel that poetry came into being so that someday Saru Singhal can weave her magic through it :-)

    1. Now, that's over generous Amrit. I wonder whether I deserve it...

  15. Brilliant! I value the compassionate tone of this sensitive piece.

  16. Well written, Saru! Not many will be ready to give up that facade...

  17. Lovely words, well written Saru !! Soulful

  18. Loneliness engulfs once the mirror of facade breaks! Virtual world can never replace the real one, Saru!

  19. We are all guilty of this in one way or the other. We do post pics and we do make fast friends virtually....sometimes those friendships stand the tests of time and prove to be a true one than many real relationships/friendships.

  20. Grief, pain, struggle and the release - loved it. That's how life actually is.

  21. May be i saw it from a very different angle I interpreted the poem as a woman with virtual identity and loses touch to the real world...thus resulted in loneliness. Beautifully penned.

    1. I think every piece is open to many interpretations and I think you take is right. Thanks for reading.

  22. Absolutely liked it....

  23. A bit sad but there lies your excellence...:-)..nicely written Saru..

  24. She never hid herself again behind virtual walls...
    So true... We often crave for the virtual pats on back and comments that lift up our spirits.. But do they.. Really?
    One smile from a stranger (face to face ofcorse) means a lot more to me than thousand smileys from my virtual friends.
    Beautifully written..

    1. Anything face to face lifts its value manifolds and honestly, I sometimes doubt the authenticity of virtual compliment.

      Thanks for reading.

  25. Victim in her own fiction,...made me remember "Prisoners of our own device" from Eagle's Hotel California. True how much we live in delusion thanks to the virtual "www".


  27. This left me with an eery feeling....of regret, sadness and then ultimate revelation.
    This was brilliant.
    You are brilliant.

    1. This comment is definitely a happy one, cheers me like never before. Thanks Red!

  28. you have a way with words, real good

  29. Brilliant! Sometimes we let those walls get in the way...

  30. I see a different write up here than your usual ones. Guess there is some message hidden there which I fail to understand but...yes, you have your own way with words and keep them writing :)

  31. Ah! Beautiful post. The posing and posting is a subtle satire on our social networking life. We go to beautiful places for a photo and a check in but never really enjoy the nature. At the end of the day, beyond the cameras and the flashlights, it's gonna be the Mother Nature, taking us in her shelter.

    1. Right and still, we think we can capture it. We must enjoy things before clicking a shot. A memory lasts longer.

  32. The idyll that we all crave for in our lives. It's right there in front of us, but our temerity makes it seem otherwise. Brilliant composition, yet again. :)

    1. We look for things in wrong places. Thanks for a lovely comment.

  33. I wish she would touch the gulmohar tree one last time though. That's the closest she can get to reality. We all go through it, the virtual fake world, but we all come around! The latest post, I cant view anything Saru!

    1. We all do but many still prefer to live close to that fake world. Sadly, though.

  34. Very well written Saru.... Loved it...:)

  35. Saru, the words are haunting. I understood about this virtual being who was used to the applause in her virtual world which she artificially created. But one day she loses it all? Then what happens? I did not get the connection with the gulmohar tree.

    1. She understands and she shuns the facade. Gulmohar tree is just a poetic touch to show an example. She posed in front of it, never enjoyed its beauty. Later when she accepts the real world, she sits under it and weeps.

  36. Actually it's about trying to find life in your virtual existence and running away from real life. Read 3rd and 4th verse, she posed in front of a tree but never enjoyed its beauty and when she understood, she found herself embracing the reality. I hope it's clear now.

  37. Virtual world, loneliness, and then the realization breaking away the facade.
    No shape so true, no truth so false.
    She never hid herself again behind virtual walls.
    Beautifully penned :)

    1. Virtual world should only be an escape not your reality. Sadly, we are forgetting that. Finding solace in wrong places.

      Thanks for reading.

  38. Nicely written and burning relevant .... virtual world is just another dimension of our multifaceted personalities... another medium of expression and connection... its a medium not the goal .... the goal is to Live LIFE ... Alas we have made Life a medium to score highest goal in virtual world ...

    1. So true. Alas, we don't even want to know where we are wrong.

  39. We all can relate to this in this age of FB. Freedom from this rush n facade of virtual life.. Ah.. Such bliss.. :) very well rhymed n expressed.

    1. Social media has corrupted us and made us more unreal. And sadly so...

  40. Absolutely true, the small joy and I wonder whether today's gadget savvy kids are not missing something precious and so beautiful.

    1. They are. In fact we all are. Side effects of well connected world.


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