Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky

Silent breeze blew my curtains,
And Santa knocked last night.
Granted me my travel wishes,
A lac for travel - car, hotel and flight.
With smile on my face and spirits high,
Excuse me, and I kissed the sky.

No elves, no reindeer,
He came with a wizard and its wand.
Pointed Skyscanner app on his phone,
Said - it will take me to places far and beyond.
With that, he bid me goodbye,
Excuse me, again I kissed the sky.

Dreamy beaches, ancient temples,
Being close to water tempts me.
Soaking my soul in a place,
Ripened with adventure and luxury.
With Bali my destination to fly,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Even with a lac of prize money, 
One has to be wise.
Eyeing for the best of deals,
And saving yourself from futile exercise.
SkyScanner rolled out lowest of prices to buy,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Here's how -
I savored every cent of my win.
Fetching best of flight deals,
Setting right foot to begin.
52,536 for flight tickets for two ain't high,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Stay close to pristine locales,
And some adventure underwater.
Skyscanner frisked all deals online,
29,601.54 for a luxury hotel is a great offer.
With breath-taking locations nearby,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Tens of sightseeing places, 
Beforehand we ought to arrange.
Rented a compact car,
For 12,800 and change.
With perfect itinerary, nothing will be at standby,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Building sand castle, surfing,
On Kuta Beach.
Shopping and a spa date in Seminyak,
And soaking my feet.
Relaxing as waves sing a lullaby,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

A stop at various temples,
Titra Empul, Uluwata, Besakih, and Tanah Lot.
Spending a perfect evening at Sanur beach,
Watching sunset from a perfect spot.
Going to Ubud to chase butterflies,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Waking up late in my hotel in Nusa Dua,
Fun at Elephant Safari Park and Waterbom.
Lazy stroll on the streets,
Visiting Antonio Blanco and Pasifika Museums.
The crystal clear water of Blue Lagoon is to die,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

Skyscanner compares, serves best, 
And this award winning portal is free.
With its magical algorithm, 
Great deal is a guarantee.
Skyscanner promises your joy to multiply,
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

This is how I planned a perfect vacation with Skyscanner and managed to save INR 5,000 for my next trip.

*This post is a part of Skyscanner Travel Wizard activity at BlogAdda.com.
** Image Source - Google and Skyscanner. Please click on the image for better resolution.


  1. I was wondering why you did not participate in this. Like the Santa with a wand and taking me around Bali :)...It is on my list -- may be some day soon :)
    Best and hearty wishes. You just made it in the last few hours I guess :)

    1. Just click, click and click when you go there.

      Yeah, made it at the last moment. Thanks for your wishes.

  2. When it comes to poetry, you are simply the best :-D Love you contest entries which you write in poetic form :-)

  3. All the best for the contest Saru.. :)

  4. How innovative it can get :) Good job Saru. All the best :)

  5. Wow!! great job with that.
    All the best, Saru.

  6. its goona to win some good prize in this contest !

  7. Very creative! Skyscanner is a great service.

  8. wow...it is amazing how u weaved a beautiful poem around the entire idea of a trip...

  9. Saru this sure is a winner post combining best of travel and poetry! All the best for the contest! BTW Bali is definitely well worth a visit when you win:)

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed, Sir and thanks for an encouraging comment.

  10. Wow! Amazing! I don't have to say all the best coz i definitely know you'll win something :-) cheeers!

  11. all the besttttttttttttttttttttttttt :)


  12. Wish you good luck for the contest, Saru!

  13. Okay, I have to say this - As some one who won the Skyscanner activity on IndiBlogger, I realised that what htey want is creativity. And this is as creative as it gets :) Good luck Saru.

    1. When a winner says, you have no other option but to believe him. :)

      And thanks for your wishes, Sid.

  14. Wish you all the best for the contest. I am sure you will win mam...
    And frankly speaking your this poem is totally amazing. Very creative and interesting write up...
    Good wishes...

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your wishes, Ashish.

  15. Saru the portal I will chk out later right now I am rolling the waves...with ur poetry. U r just too good girl. This one is fun too. It has a beat to it like that rail gaadi rail gaadi chuk chuk chuk chuk beech waali station boli ruk ruk ruk ruk...dhadak bhadak lohay kee satak...dhadak bhadak lohay kee sadak...ruk ruk ruk ruk...koo....koo
    Do u get what I mean. Truly...that's how I feel...this one of urs is also a winner...just like the rest.
    And hey...ur poetry also lifted my spirits...thanx. :)

    1. Yeah, I got what you meant. It's a fun track. Thanks for reading and for a fun comment. :)

  16. Wow....... That was wonderful piece of poetry!!! All the best saru!! I wonder how you put your thoughts on the paper in such a beautiful way!!

    1. Aww... Thanks Bhavani. Feels really good to read such appreciation. :)

      Welcome here.

  17. Not everyone can write it like you Saru...what do I say that others have not mentioned in their comments already... *applause*

  18. Loved your earlier skyscanner entry and this one as well. All the best Saru

  19. Wonderful poem, Saru!
    Now go & kiss the sky :)
    This is a winning entry for sure :) Best wishes!

  20. Very nice poem Saru, you will win it...fingers crossed.

  21. Poetry and Marketing an interesting concept!! Just loved the concept, Loved the presentation!!

  22. I resonate with Datta, good marketing, great presentation and amazing poetry !! Loved it Saru :)

  23. That's how a poet should speak ! wonderful Saru... :-)

  24. Good luck, Saru. A lot of hard work was put in this post and it shows. Nice work :-).

  25. This is such a creative post :D Out of all the ones that I read, I would give yours full points on creativity :D The verses flowed so effortlessly :D

    1. Humbled, thanks for a generous comment dear. :)

  26. You make even a contest entry so poetic and fun to read :) Good luck, Saru!

    1. Thank you, Beloo. Some prompts are fun to write. :)

  27. Something different Saru--kiss the sky and tell me the taste.
    Good luck to you.

  28. This is wonderful Saru, so imaginative and intelligent. Loved your take.

  29. Quite interesting Saru. :)
    Now you are excused ;-)

  30. Lovely and hats off to bind that all in form of poetry. Best wishes for the contest :)


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