Grey Matters, So Does Knowledge

I religiously read newspapers to keep myself abreast with latest in my field. But jargon in the leading Financial Dailies is confusing at times. The financial world is evolving fast and we have to learn and adapt. For us, performance is the only key to survive. When British Council asked bloggers what would they like to study in the UK, where and why?…My long lost wish of studying at London School of Economics and Political Science revived. And so does my hunger for knowledge.

14 years back, I wanted to pursue an Undergraduate Degree in Economics. But now being a Fellow Company Secretary with seven years of successful practice, I have to opt for a course which would supplement my existing knowledge base and help me scale greater heights in my current profession. After a lot of evaluation, I zeroed in - Executive Global Masters in Management. Ever since I started dealing with Management of various companies and thinking of expanding my firm, I am faced with scenarios which require more than basic knowledge of Management. It requires not only the expertise to handle complex situations but thinking out-of-box.

This course takes a step ahead of the majority of programs by broadening the Core Subject areas. From Foundations of Management to Strategy and Innovation, the program is designed to give a deep understanding of markets globally. It teaches basic business tools with an approach to sharpening our skills which aid us in becoming leaders, who can bring change. The curriculum is designed to make us Critical Thinkers. One of the testimonies posted on LSE’s website by an entrepreneur was just the dose of assurance I needed.

The best part about this program is that we can learn the latest from one of the most renowned institutions while working full-time. So, the biggest plus of this course is that it is designed for working professionals like me. We can pursue it along with our jobs and add to our learnings and polish our forte. Interaction with professionals from various backgrounds, who would study and share their experiences with each other is an added advantage. And the best faculty to mentor us is like icing on the cake. Living in London, Istanbul, and Singapore during the duration of the course will give the first-hand experience of their work culture and knowledge of management practices. Also, this video by the LSE’s Students’ Union refreshed my college memories and infused fresh energy to study in this world-class institution. When asked why LSE? This video would serve as the coolest reason!

Besides the many advantages, this course and brand name offer, one main reason I want to pursue this course is my desire to learn something new by overcoming various challenges thrown at me. Our generation doesn’t belong to 9 to 5 routine. We love our job as it gives us opportunities to unlock and challenge our own abilities. We are not conventional Indian working class. We are Knowledge Workers. With world-class degree on my CV and exposure of working atmosphere of Europe and Asia, I can grow not only as an individual but those who work with me can also prosper.

Executive Global Master's in Management will not only fulfill my long lost wish of studying at London School of Economics but also give me immense knowledge which I will use in expanding my firm. Lastly, as Bertolt Brecht said, 

‘Intelligence is not to make no mistakes, but to see quickly how to make them good.’ 

I can't And the ability to quickly amend your mistakes comes from knowledge. Intelligence and knowledge go hand in hand in charting success. In fact, both are two sides of the same coin. In a nutshell - Grey Matters and so does Knowledge.
  * * * * *


  1. Well written and all the best for Indiblogger contest Saru!

  2. Very well written article, I think it's important that one keeps learning to improve one's knowledge base. All The Best :)

  3. Ah ha! Very informative and descriptive post ma'am. The video added an extra touch in it!
    Best wishes for the contest.

  4. Well presented, Saru. I love the the Conventional Worker Vs. Knowledge Worker image! Best wishes :)

    1. Even I love this cartoon, so thought of adding it here. Thanks for reading.

  5. Masters in Management... from LSE... liked the easily digestible details.

    Arvind Passey

  6. Ur so versatile that it would be a challenge for indibloggers to bring a lesser known topic;) Well written! my best wishes :)

    1. LOL! Sadly only few think like this. Haven't won anything from a long long time. But appreciation from you is an reward in itself. :)

      Thanks Anupam!

  7. A neat little post! The cartoon of 'knowledge worker' conveys the message well.

  8. Loved the post Saru! LSE is indeed the best there is when it comes to learning about the finer nuances of economics and political science, and everything in between.

    And yes, we are knowledge workers indeed, always on the lookout to challenge conventions and tackle issues and problems head on.

    1. It is indeed the best!

      Yes, we do love challenges and therefore, we are GenNext! Thanks for reading. :)

  9. I must admit I'm the conventional worker Saru..I complain so much about my work and work place! :D But that aside reading this post makes me realize another facet of you... You have both grey matter and knowledge woman :) All the best :)

    1. That's because you are not your own boss, like me. :)

      Thanks for a wonderful compliment and good luck to you too :)

  10. Loved the cartoon poster of Conventional worker and knowledge worker. By this post we got to know a complete new Saru. This is so much unlike your previous posts. Anyways, Good luck for the contest..

    1. Oh! I wonder what I have revealed here. :D

      Thanks for reading Sonia and for your wishes. BTW, why haven't you posted in a long long time?

  11. Well written Saru..all the best :-)..The concept of conventional worker and knowledge worker is great. To my chagrin , I fall in the first category :-P

    1. LOL! No worries, at least you are admitting :)

      Thanks for reading and for a lovely comment.

  12. Hi Saru

    That's a really nice take! all the very best for this contest :)

  13. Very well written... All the best for the contest Saru..:)

  14. A very Intelligent post, Saru. and the cartoon! It is so true! :p

  15. Quite informative & an excellent entry for the contest.
    All the best! :)

  16. Good luck, Saru! Loved the poster :).

  17. Hmm! After doing management I wanted to do ACS and you seem to be taking the opposite route :)

  18. Thanks for sharing ..Beautifully written
    I truly admit that u certainly have a grey factor and knowledge !!
    Good Luck for the contest.

  19. That cartoon really nails it! Great write-up!

  20. Intelligence is not to make no mistakes; but to see quickly how to make them good.’... So very true :-)

    Enjoyed the post :-)

  21. Intelligence and knowledge- two sides of the same coin....Well written!
    All the best for the contest!

  22. bang on, with that comic strip. I also loved the quote. All the best for the contest Saru :-)

  23. very well written and all the best for contest :)

  24. well written saru!!
    Best of luck with the contest!

  25. Nicely written, Saru! wish you good luck.

  26. well written ....self reflect is the key word....wish you luck !

  27. May you get what you aspire for.

    All the best :)

    Happy Valentine's Day! :)

    1. Thank you and hope your day was filled with joy! :)

  28. Saru, studies at any time is an alleviating experience and may your aspirations come true! I love doing courses with Coursera even now:) Best of luck for the contest!

    1. That's inspiring Sir. I will also take up few now. Thanks for your wishes. :)

  29. The program at LSE sounds very informative and practical for working professionals, just like DePaul university (in Chicago where I used to be).

    Great post, glad I visited your site first after my long layoff from blogging! :-)

    1. Welcome back! :)

      Oh, I will check your University. Taking courses will add to the CV.

  30. Very well written, precise and perfect length (otherwise these topics can get boring in general). Good luck :)

    1. Happy with myself after reading your comment, Shaifali. Many thanks dear :)


  32. I had enjoyed reading this post and had written a comment too, but, don;t know what happened :( Anyways, let me write a few words again for you...

    Hey, are you an FCS! My Jiju is also an FCS :) I am a poor girl who understands only the arts... Finance and management hardly enters into my brain :( I believe you CS people are of above average intelligence and that's why we have only few thousands of Company Secretaries in India! And so, I also believe that your dream would definitely come true in a very near future! Best Wishes to you!

    1. It used to be. Now, the pass percentage is pretty high. We are normal people and trust me, art requires more talent and brain than mere numbers.

      Thanks for reading and for such a warm comment. :)

  33. You have rightly written that knowledge and intelligence are necessary to embark onto the track of success and achievements.

    Wish you all the best for this contest.

    Have a nice day.


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