Art, it is - II

I'm no Van Gogh, I'm no Voltaire.
But I want honesty, that's all I care.

It's like a bee sting, you all will agree.
When some trashy post gets 50 comments
and your masterpiece just three.

All that glitters is not gold, behold and contemplate.
'Art' needs honest feedback to stimulate.

You become a monk with no Ferrari or Car.
'Nice Post,' 'Likes' - such comments leave indelible scars.

He read Or was I simply plain?
Seriously! sanity is so difficult to sustain.

Walking down the aisle I peek taking a pause,
Shall I take a bow for fake applause?

Dear, Mutual Admiration Society, read, critique and say.
An honest comment just makes my day.

* This is my second attempt on refining the art of commenting. Read the failed attempt here. 
**Read the footnote here


  1. This post is superb!and the honesty motivates me to follow ur post :)

    doesn't matter even if no one reads or likes the post...but yes the mistakes and the bad points better be pointed out is wat i wish for:)

    1. I wish the same. We want to evolve as writers and we need constructive criticism for that. Thanks Chitra for reading and for a lovely comment. Welcome here :)

  2. Thanks a ton for putting it for fellow bloggers are one of the best blogger

    1. Pleasure is all mine, seriously :) And thanks a ton for the compliment :)

  3. too gud ,,nothing can b so candid :)

  4. A wonderfully candid post!

  5. I am pretty sure many bloggers go through these thoughts... Liked the way you portrayed the feelings- you always do!
    An honest comments makes everyone's day- Honestly! :)

    1. Yes, we all go through these thoughts and I thought of writing a poem on it. I wish more people read this poem and Shesha, you are always honest with your feedback. :)

  6. A good one. My hunger to get more comments has increased :) beautifully written Saru :)

    1. Oh, I wonder whether you got what I wanted to say. Quantity doesn't matter, one honest feedback can beat 50 'nice post' comments.

  7. Saru, the pleasure of writing goes beyond likes and mutual appreciation but any good work should not go unnoticed:)

    1. Yes and we should also indulge in constructive criticism on blogs we follow regularly. It will help the relationship grow.

  8. Spoken like a true blogger and a good comment makes our day...more comments makes our day happier. Salute your art!

    1. Yes, a good and honest comment makes our day. Thanks for reading dear :)

  9. Wow! No one could have said that in a better way! You have a poem for every occasion! Loved the way you said it all, without baring it all ;-)

    1. LOL! Necessity is the mother of invention. My article on the same point failed to fetch the desired results. Hence, this poem. Glad you liked it Akanksha :)

  10. Candid! And very honest! Nicely written!

  11. I like the simplicity in this poem...:) It's plain, straight and most importantly, it's Honest...:)

    1. Honesty is the keyword of this discussion Prashanth :)

  12. Thanks for an interesting blog... and yes, it is all about the magic of words... I have nominated you for the Liebster award...
    You probably know the details being a frequent blogger... but if you need to be refreshed, here they are ;)

  13. I try to be as honest and sincere as I can in my comments, especially on your posts as its very easy for me to be biased towards you. When I want to leave a critique, its very hard for me but still I have given some critiques on your posts, "Train to Delhi" comes to mind. But, you are very right, the 'You scratch my back, I scratch yours' formula gets very unnatural and fake in the long run. Initially, it may be good to discover new blogs to increase your reader base but you shouldn't maintain the same in the long run, that's what I have learnt. :)

    Love this line, have been pondering over it for a while now:
    " Walking down the aisle I peek taking a pause,
    Shall I take a bow for fake applause?"

    PS: Only today I discovered your "Now, we shall read" blog. I guess this is a much better option than the sidebar mention of the books you are currently reading. :)

    1. There is a lot to learn in blogging, writing, networking etc. Also, we need to ask ourselves again and again, 'what we want from blogging?' Even I love the lines you mentioned, said so in my footnote as well. Actually the blog was there but I was not sharing it with anyone, now I am using it for footnotes and clarifications.

  14. To a very large extent, constructive feedback and even generic appreciation is essential to keep the creative fire burning. For digital self publishing, which is what we bloggers essentially are doing, it becomes a little complex sorting the chaff out. Loved the way you have outlined your comment philosophy. Truly creative and only to be expected from you.

    1. I think bloggers who which to sharpen their skills would love to read constructive criticism. However, I agree it's little complex. Thanks for a generous comment Subhorup :)

  15. Haha.. So true.. Whenever I get a one word comment I feel as though the person has commented just for the sake of commenting without even reading my post.. :)
    You have brought out the true feeling of every blogger in this post. I will take care here on wards to leave a big hefty comment on every blog that I read.. :)

    1. I wonder the same, hence the line, 'he read or was I simply plain?'

      We should read and write what we actually feel rather than sugar coating it. A hefty comment is most welcome Sonia :)

  16. awesome sentiments, I even I felt that sting so many times, when my heart felt post goes down the drain and ordinary ones garner so many 'nice' comments.

    Bang on!

    1. Yes, been there and felt that. Looks like we all are saints with nothing more to say :D

  17. I've to accept, Sometimes, I leave the comments in a single line. Though I read the whole post, I don't know what more to comment. But, I'll try to put better comments from now on :)

    Yes, we bloggers need genuine feedback to improve ourselves :) Beautiful poem Saru :)

    1. Leaving one line comment is OK. The problem is not reading the post and not giving the honest feedback. I agree, sometimes we have nothing more to say. We do need genuine feedback. :)

      Thanks for reading Valli :)

  18. Very true...At times i feel "like","share" et.el. are mutual gestures with no reasons. Cheers

  19. I liked what you wrote...I too would love to have honest comments which I get only from few friends sometimes through fb messages....As a blogger-writer I too would like to grow and we must know that criticism and appreciation go hand in hand...

    Priyaa :-)

    1. Same here but I am lucky to have few blogger friends who don't hesitate to criticize me on the blog. :)

  20. All I can say is that your posts get an average of ten times more than do my posts... :)

  21. Liked the thought propelling the poem... and the precision of expression.

    1. As I said, numbers don't matter. Thanks for reading and liking the poem :)

  22. I really have no 'ear' for poetry, but by God, I get this poem!
    MAS leads to MAD - mutual assured destruction! I can't even believe how rampant it is on the blogosphere!

    Great one, Saru! I loved the way you've made your point :)

    1. Well said Rickie, MAS surely leads to MAD. Glad you liked the poem and comment like yours make my day. Thank you :)

  23. u r one really creative being Saru.. i really like reading what u write.. honestly :)

  24. Each one as a blogger is going through the same set of feelings..I too have noticed the attitude that disturbs- "you like my post and I will do the same","you comment on my post and will return you with the same form of comment" hardly receive constructive criticism wrapped up in have voiced out so many hearts...

    1. Such is blogosphere. Hope we all more evolved down the lane...:)

  25. Loved the line ''Nice Post,' 'Likes' - such comments leave indelible scars.'
    I dont know what to make of such comments, no comment i better than such comments :)
    Good one as always Saru :)

    1. Even I don't know what to make of such comments. I reply with a smile. Thanks for liking it :)

  26. Saru, you sometimes cant stop people like me... :( do you know I have this disease of not commenting negative, be it any work of any category done I always find it extraordinarily good for all the time they have invested and have arrived at the outcome. Imagining me to do something like that will make me appreciate their effort. So how do you categorize words of such people???
    Do you consider us as people who do flattery :)? we just say for the sake of it ?

    According to me :) no matter what one need to be praised for their effort and interest and I will continue to do it, least bothering about what others will judge me :D

    And now to your post :D since its perfectly ok for us to provide feedback on your work.
    No wonder you are best at words and write very intelligent lines. I would have enjoyed this post more if it had been a dark humor article rather than poetry form :D is what I felt!

    :) Nevertheless I LIKE your works Saru I will keep following you :)

    1. I am saying that you have to say something which you truly feel after reading the post. Like you said, you prefer dark humor over a poem. It's all about being honest. Even I don't say anything bad generally but when someone asks for a opinion on his/her post, I am very honest. Simple :)

      Thanks for an honest feedback and liking my work :)

  27. This is very true.
    One nice comment is a lot better than a thousand fake likes.
    And it really hurts when we do not get what we deserve and some else gets it just because he/she is a 'brand'.
    nice read.

    1. Yes, a single comment is way better than fake ones. It hurts when our work is not appreciated but whosoever is being appreciated for being a brand must have something which we don't possess; may be consistency of work or she/he connects with the audience. Recent bestsellers are the best examples of it.

      Thanks for reading Ashish and welcome here :)

  28. It's just so true. I've seen the good posts often kept orphaned and the mediocre, even bland sometimes, gets enormous amount of attention.

    I appreciate the ones who give a genuine feedback and not the ones who would land up on every post to say, "It's nice" to get a mutual thingy on theirs.

    Glad you came up with this, Saru.

    1. Yes, we are not evolved as bloggers. We have to work really hard on that and also I wonder how many of such can handle criticism on a public platform.

      Thanks for reading Vaishali :)

  29. Each word of yours rings true to the core. Mutual admiration is not bad but it fails miserably if not done sincerely, wholeheartedly and in true spirits.

    1. You couldn't have said it better Arti. It's all being honest :)

  30. Dear saru,
    you have said in verse what we all aspire for-excellent composition.

  31. Truth need not be said always..but lies never one should say..There's always a danger when you are on the top. People clap anyway thinking that you deserve it. Frankly Saru, I like some of your works and others, as I read I feel that you could've done much better. But I respect work of any kind as it is personal. There'll not be a lot of people who'll like criticism. I pray that no comment is a lie or candy offered for a wrong cause! I too look forward for a platform to grow than to count the likes and comments! This work of yours is truly good. Congrats!

    1. True, we should take this platform as a medium to grow as a writer and human being. Quality should always win over quantity. Glad you liked this post. :)

  32. Nice post.. ha ha.. :)

    'Nice Post,' 'Likes' - such comments leave indelible scars.

    so true.. this post come as a sweet coincidence to me Saru, for I was planning a similar post, though in prose.. You spoke my heart flawlessly.. Take a bow.. for my comment leaves straight from my heart..

    keep writing friend..

    1. I tried conveying the same message in prose but failed. Hence a poem this time. And Deepak as far as I can remember your comments are always from heart. You know we can feel after reading the comment whether the person has read it, is honest and is a good blogger. It's a pleasure to have you here :)

  33. Loved it totally Saru.. and here I'm back after a long vacation. Hopefully will be blogging soon..

    1. Welcome back and hope to read you soon. Glad you call your marriage and honeymoon a vacation SIS :)

  34. Though often people do what you have quoted here, but when we go through their words, they speak everything. Your work is something I admire which makes me take a turn to your blog every time.
    I must tell you that I enjoy poem with rhymes more, but when words are put on with beautiful emotions & turn my mood, I like them; which happens in your case. Love! :)

    1. I agree with you Gayatri words speak. Thanks a ton for being honest and for being a regular reader. I truly admire you :)

  35. Nice poem, Saru!Thanks for a thoughtful and interesting post! I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther: “The ears of our generation have been made so delicate by the senseless multitude of flatterers that, as soon as we perceive anything of ours in not approved of, we cry out that we are being bitterly assailed; and when we can repel the truth by no other pretense, we escape by attributing bitterness, impatience, intemperance, to our adversaries.” Things really haven’t changed too much, have they?
    But, we've right to dump the fake flattery. Press delete...for quick relief :D
    Now it’s your turn to shower me with praise, flatter my ego, rebuke my thinking or challenge my logic...LOL..
    You are a good author and never short of's a pleasure to read you always! And I MEAN IT...sincerely :)

    1. They have changed but only in magnitude and manner. Now we pour our frustration on social networks and blogs. I said the same thing to Vaishali, there aren't many who can handle criticism. And I have pressed delete a few times :)

      I so loved your praise/ego/logic line. Only you can bring this much variations in a single sentence and that too effortlessly. And glad to know that enjoy reading my posts. It's an honor to have you here :)

  36. i feel bad when someone comments on my post without reading but i cannot really complain because i don't consider my posts anything other than waste of web space :D.

    i go through many blogs during my free time (which is 24 hours a day) and i discover many exceptional blogs which no one is aware of. i understand how it feels when we put in the effort to write something and no one reads it. but i blame them for it. can we really expect readers if we are not bothered about what others are writing? every reader has a blog here and everyone needs visitors.

    honest comments make my day. i get criticisms via mail :D and those criticisms helped me immensely.

    1. First your blog is not a waste, it is FUN. Second, who can stop reading your post once they are on it. :)

      Well, what you said is true but we need to change it. Even I get criticism on blog as well as in messages and I owe my better writing to those people. I guess it's high time we evolve. :)

  37. tot agree... it hurts a blogger to the core when he flattery instead of truth.

    Weakest LINK

  38. Really enjoyed your true words. Yes, i would take 3 true comments instead of 30 fake ones.

  39. I think, sometimes, we just need to write and enjoy the feeling. Rest all becomes secondary. Yes, feedback is important. I am not denying that. But it should never decide our next blogpost. Our instincts should decide.. :) (all this in an ideal world, that is)

    1. Yes instincts should decide what we write but asking for an honest feedback from your regular readers is not too much. Also, what's the harm in being honest and for how long we will pull the facade?

  40. Saru- to be honest, we write for the joy of it. The mathematics of likes and comments and indiranks should never bother the writer in us. Write what you feel, what makes you happy...Nice post!

    1. Yeah I agree but I can't understand why we lie or pretend. Writing an honest feedback will only boost creativity.

  41. Hi Saru,

    I understand that a honest feedback on writing does help, motivates and improves us as a blogger, however, I think flattery words will always be there, we just have to hear what few good people have to say.

  42. Awesome Post! Love the way you described the reality.


  43. A perfectly candid prose that speaks volumes about what is happening all around. And I see the comments are not limited to just three... they are I am sure more than 53 :D

  44. Your attempt of putting it in the form of a poem was direct, on the face. Take it or leave it. This is certainly the best medium you communicate in :-)

    "Nice one, liked this" -> These comments, I really dont care about. I know its farce, people have not even read the post.

    About how I actually comment, I wrote quite a description on the previous post's comment :-)

    "It's like a bee sting, you all will agree.

    When some trashy post gets 50 comments

    and your masterpiece just three"

    Every blogger feels the above! My piece is master piece, Period.

    1. Even I thought the same, my poems get more audience than an article. So, I thought of writing a poem after my failed attempt. Yes, I read your comment on previous post and I will repeat, 'You are a priced possession for any blogger.'

      My piece is master piece, I couldn't stop laughing at this line. We are so vain. :)

  45. Saru., helloo., long time i know..

    i come to catch up on where i left and i see this post of yours first.. had to read it twice to understand.. ;-)

    totally agree with what you say.. I believe, a little bit of appriciation for the work done along with some critisism, would be better.. and will definitely make one feel good..

    criticism does make you want to do better at times just to prove to yourself or the others that you can do better., but at most times it also puts you down making you shy and hesitant to try again.. when people appriciate you are happy and want to do more and more..

    for example, kids draw or paint soo badly and messly, the lines not straight, the colours not in the box blah blah, and our moms and dads and or teachers can obviously do better, but they still say, 'awww that is soo beautiful'and then add the correction.. they always make sure they never crush the excitement and learning will of kids..

    its the way one puts it.. we should never be too rough with our words..

    And as of for me, i am still the kid learning blogging, so your work seems flawless, i learn from you.. so i will seldom have any critisism for you..

    1. Welcome back Dipthi :)

      I am not saying that we have to be blunt in our words. All I am saying is be honest. Write what you feel. The important things is to READ and be HONEST while commenting. Don't be fake and don't comment without reading.

      Believe me, you will have something to say when you read them very often. I received a lot of criticism on 'Scintillating Desires' from those who read me regularly and I was so happy to read that they were not happy with the poem which implied that know what I am capable of.

      Hope you were enjoying your time and hope winter is not very harsh with you :)

  46. you write nicely and keep things simple :)

    1. Yeah, I try to keep things simple and glad you find my work nice :) Thanks Joshi :)

  47. Hi, I'm Noopur...the author of my blog "APPARITION OF MINE" :)
    I hereby nominate your blog for "THE LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD"
    For more details,and your nomination please visit

    will wait for your valuable participation...thanks!!

  48. mein is poem pe haath rakh kar kasam khata hoon ki jo kuch kahunga sach kahunga aur sach ke siva kuch nahin kahunga,this is very nice,critical.

  49. crossed 50 comments...did that make you happy or sad? :)....

    lovely way you express's true...
    i think people who get a lot of comment are either great artists like you, or who make the hard effort to visit a lot of blogs and comment their, sometimes irritatingly pledging to comment's either handwork or skill everywhere :)

    you are too good for me to give feedback...sorry for not being able to change my art of commenting :p

    1. Sub, it is quality over quantity thing but yes, I am very happy with the comments on this post. C'mom, I couldn't stop laughing on 'great artist.' :P

      Thanks a ton for reading and honestly, there is nothing wrong with your comments, you are very honest. :)

  50. This is just fantabulous!! You spoke the words of all those interested in some serious feedback.

  51. Saru, I admire you for the amazing way with words that you have. Loads of time I am at a loss about what to comment especially when it comes to poems but I read them. Yes, the MAS is very much active and alive. And we all desire and need genuine appreciation to go on. There is another side to it too. What I've also realized is that lots of people don't really want genuine feedback. Even innocuous comments that expresses an opinion different from theirs is looked at with negativity. I've personally faced this and am wary of speaking my mind in comments with people I am not sure of. You have the best of both worlds -- appreciation and loads of comments :). With your talent you deserve it.

    1. That' what I was talking to someone yesterday. There are few, just few who look forward to honest feedback. Rest everyone is basking under the fake glory. Believe me, I would love when you'll be honest here. As Rickie said, MAS is leading to MAD.

      Happy to read what you feel for me. Coming from you it's a big dose of motivation :)

      Thank you!

  52. I truly believe in reading and commenting...but there are times when I say good one or nice post...but that is when I don't have to say much...I so agree with you, Saru. Honest lines statight from your heart portraying the feelings of all of us..

    1. I said to someone on the other post. Writing short comment is not a problem, problem is when someone comment without reading or is extra generous, to the extent of lying in their comments. Yes, we all look for honesty :)

  53. Very true Saru. But sometimes readers like me are not good with words but that does not mean we don't appreciate or admire your writings.. It's just that we are not too good in writing... So please don't think we don't read your work if we just write one word;);)

    1. I am sure of you Swati as I know you personally but can't say that about others. This post is specifically for others ;)

      Thanks for reading and welcome back :)

  54. ha ha ha...that's really nice..but allow me to ask you one thing saru do you really need to be told that you are honest with your thoughts when you feel what you write write what you fell..but there is no doubt that your feeling and writings are not different form each know very well your class and taste and you know that you ARE a writer..a Thinker..and that's why you write again and again even if you masterpiece get just 3 comments..a real criticism is much more expected ..and also MUST NEEDED for knowing and know you can write and that's where you get the guts to pen more and more of your dont need to stand to bow for the fake write and that's what you do..
    if you look back to your older writings then you will see that those lines those verses were mostly full of deep pain..those were like the dust clouds following the cart-wheels..dragged by the pain and fantasy..time by time you will find a nice and bold someone or something is trying to get out of a great this your anger?? no.. i'd's the artist's mind is like a surface of a pond water..anything and everything can make a ripple on it..dont you think that? wish you all the best and pardon the few silent admirers like me.. :)

    1. Dip, it's not about getting the feelings or drive to pen something. It's all about the mad race of numbers bloggers are into these days. You know that we both admire each other work and our perspective is that of an artist. But an honest feedback from those who read you religiously would help us sharpen our skills. There is no lack of motivation to write.

      However, it's kind of complex, comments boosts our confidence so you look forward to it but with dishonest comments, you start questioning your art.

      BTW, you are an intelligent artist, so I won't question anything you say :)

    2. :) really dont know what to say..often I ask myself what is MY motivation..not beating my own drum..but I'd a habit of writing down my radical thoughts from my early childhood.most of the time those turned into some nonsense spite of that some where really satisfying..satisfying my soul and purifying my heart..I've notice one thing as a writer,that when someone put together a few words to construct a very beautiful or a pitiful or something very spiritual kind of a verse, an extraordinary feeling runs through the's not a joy..nor a pride..i think it's Satisfaction..satisfaction of achieving or creating something..a creative person can not create anything new or anything unique..but he can organize things in such a manner so that it becomes something very new to us...all the tunes and melodies are there in the strings..only the ustads know where and when to strike, pull or to slide to stage a particular must be felt through the heart before it is to be produced..what do you think?

    3. I agree with you on two counts. We do get satisfaction, whatever we write we feel satisfied. This feeling is unparalleled. Whenever, I write something good, I read it, re-read it and I derive enormous satisfaction. Second what you said about Masters of Art. They know how to strike the right chords. And I guess those people are blessed. We are born with talent, we horn our skills but we can't acquire it.

  55. Awesome! I'm glad you wrote something on this topic. This reminds me of a post you wrote some time ago about FB Likes.

    When I read a post, I read the readers' comments as well and I've noticed that there are lots of "nice post", "great post" and "wonderful post" type of comments out there. I'm not a good writer nor a consistent blogger but, I've been wondering all the while if some of us are only looking for large number of comments that we tend to leave "nice post" comments in other blogs and get "great post" comments in return. It saves a lot of time and you could visit so many blogs in a day. Sometimes I wonder if they really read the whole content or not. Having said that, of course there are bloggers who actually read the whole post and leave a one or two words comment and I'm not against them. Another exception I think is when commenting on a single haiku. Sometimes there's nothing much to say but "beautiful haiku" though the haiku is truly great.

    I've also seen comments like "I'm following you, can you follow me back?"
    I'm not sure if the person really follows and read the blog or if it is just for the sake of increasing the number of followers.

    For me, comment is an appreciation for the blogger's writing skill, his time and perhaps for the friendship. Be it positive or negative, a sincere comment is precious.

    "Shall I take a bow for fake applause?" - very well said!

    I wish you a wonderful weekend.

    1. First, you are a wonderful writer. And even I am not against the two words comment, I am against someone not reading ( That's why the lines, 'has he read...?') and writing those two words so that we return the favor. I agree there is not much to say at times.

      And those rat race types, I ignore them. I wonder what those people derive from blogging.

      You too have a lovely weekend. Hope you enjoy the break from your super busy schedule.

  56. you second most of the bloggers thoughts...
    art can be a give and take but not suppose to take since because some one gave

    1. Right! It should be an honest reciprocation so to say. :)

  57. Straight as it can get . Visiting your blog after long time .

  58. Mutual Admiration Society... loved that :P
    make us sound so selfish...But as far as "Words" goes... I'm sure max comments are not of mutual admiration but simply admiration..

    1. LOL on your 'words' comment and this 'LOL' stands for lots of love :)

      But on a serious note, why people do that. Can't we read and be honest?

  59. Hey Saru loved your blog so nominated you for Liebster Award...congrats! (

  60. am not sure how do you define what is an honest comment and what's not ..

    all appreciating words (from the readers) for the effort we make in writing those blogposts is worth considered to be honest!

    1. Sorry, I disagree with you Rahul. Not all appreciating words are honest. We can thank them for their time, if they have spent any on reading.

  61. I guess a post many can relate too. MAS leads to MAD, read what Rickie has commented. :)

  62. loved the post!!!

  63. wow...people generally don't speak about's good that u did

  64. Awesome..captures the desire of every blogger

  65. LOL :) You scratch my back and I do it for you. This is what the world operates on.

    1. For sure but please have some honesty in that too :)

      Welcome here Brajadulal :)

  66. Captured perfectly Saru :) Indeed comments / likes have to be genuine and not for the sake of it..

  67. Thank you for this great post! I hope you can give us more thoughts from you. -Dorothy of essay writing service

  68. I completely agree..I'm not sure if some people are short of words or they don't get the plot or they simply don't read it :| But even the few comments of admiration and true feedback definitely motivates one towards writing more.. A thought provoking concept.. and you have penned it so nicely :)

    1. I guess this goes with blogging. I wish people can improve and contribute. Thanks for sharing your views, Deeshani.

    2. Absolutely! Every blog is a waste / lonely which does not have a genuine feedback. Its better to not have instead of fakes.

  69. Wow! I have seen uncountable posts on commenting and its benefits. But this is the first one where you have actually made a poem on this topic. Epic! And superb and honest poem.

    Loved it!!

  70. Excellent post.I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great
    Keep up your work.

  71. Simple, calm and deep. This is what i got through This Poem :) Congratulations! You've got one more follower and That's me..

  72. You've a brilliant blog. thanks for sharing


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