A Retrospection

I paid the price and many others with me,
Washed beaches, flooded houses, broken trees.
When both the mother and child weep, I ask myself...
Is it the wrath of Mother Nature or fruits of our deeds?

*As most of you know that my town was hit by Super Storm Sandy, I apologize for not replying to your comments and reading your blogs.


  1. Fruits of stubbornness in refusing to acknowledge that Climate change has already happened...well written:)

  2. Brilliant thought. It depends up to you how you take it. You can blame mother nature and you also can blame your deeds.

  3. Very well written. And I like the thought behind it :-)

  4. Also, death and destruction often leave us brooding. But then life catches on. I esp liked tje last two lines

  5. A nice piece of writing.
    very good work saru di ..:)

  6. We have used up every bit of what Mother Earth had to offer..In fact used up more than our green Planet could afford to offer..And now its time we face the Doomsday...

  7. Is it the wrath of Mother Nature or fruits of our deeds?

    mother can't be so harsh to her kids......

    saru, hope things are improving at ur end....
    take care dear

    bless u.

  8. Oh gosh - I hope you're all right.

    Unfortunately, we do have ourselves to blame for global warming and its consequences.

  9. as long as you are fine safe and happy....everything else ok....your posts are mostly WORTH THE WAIT

  10. Hope you are ok..take care!

    Beautifully written as always!

  11. good expressions...doubts do occur in hardships...but faith we shall keep on mother's love...be blessed u all

  12. True Saru, difficult to say it is wrath of nature or fruits of our deeds! Hope peace and tranquility returns soon.

  13. Beautifully asked in verse.
    Nature being a mother can never destroy willfully. Hence just our misdeeds revisiting us.

  14. I wish, everything would be fine at your end, and you always keep writing! Keep smiling! :)

  15. Beautifully written...Very thoughtful question in the end...I feel its both..

  16. Hey Saru...hope you guys are back to normal routine. I have many friends in the area and they have suffered from power cut, no internet, telephone...
    Fruits of our nature paid back by mother nature...:(

  17. You’re in New Jersey, right? You won’t believe perhaps but when I heard the news, you came to my mind. Whatever these natural calamities are, it’s very unfortunate and disturbing. I hope and wish things are improving now.

    You expressed a lot in few words.

    Take Care:)

  18. Lovely, the last line caught my special attention..

    Hope you are fine Saru, sending my prayers and wishes.take care..god bless!

  19. Dear Saru,
    An excellent piece of poetry, an expression of your inner consciousness in unison with the tragedy.This is the way of nature or, may be 'fruits of our deeds'..Don't know what it is...
    Stay strong, don’t let the devastation overwhelm your inner strengths.

  20. Oh...Glad you are safe. Very true, it is the 'fruit of our deeds'.

  21. Oh, I didn't know you were at East Coast. Hope everything is fine now. Take care.

  22. Saru, hope everything is back to normal now -- sending you good wishes and prayers. The poem is hard-hitting -- I hope someone is listening.

  23. Saru , that was straight from heart ! Sending across lots of prayer and good wishes ...

  24. Nicely put..... May God give all the affected people strength to bear the losses they have suffered.

  25. Saru! 'both mother and child weep' would be correct. Feel free to delete this comment.

  26. Mmm! Mother Nature is very forgiving but we are taxing the limits.

  27. The wrath of mother nature is because of our bad deeds. :( A touching portrayal of a natural disaster which you personally saw and experienced. I am so glad you and your family are safe, Saru. Prayers to all those affected by this tragedy.

  28. Take care. Hope things are getting back to normal now.

  29. "Is it the wrath of Mother Nature or fruits of our deeds?"
    The mother, howsoever loving and kind, has to sometimes slap the children for their wrong doings!
    Very nice retrospection!

  30. Everything will be fine....


  31. First, congratulations on your 100th post. I do not leave my footprints here everytime, but you know I read them all. Thank you for your words. :)

    And, hard to say that whether it has been our fault. Since, the earth, the storms, the winds and the rains has all been present here long since we inhabited it. And they always will be here. May be the nature likes to remind us once in a while, how weak we can be. Teaches us to be humble and love and cherish life. At least that is how is how i see it. :)

    Hope, you are doing fine now and are unscathed by the nature's fury.

  32. The price has not been paid in full yet .... the wrath is unfolding.

    Good to know that you are safe.

  33. Happy that you are safe, and yes the lines are very very nice so true!!! every one of us should really think about it ...

  34. Beautifully written Saru. Good to know you are safe.. Keep us updated.. :)

    Someone is Special


  35. "Is it the wrath of Mother Nature or fruits of our deeds?"
    a question which needs a retrospective answer---an answer which we all know and yet...

    nice poem sets the mind thinking
    Good to know you are safe

  36. Sorry for being so late to reply. Actually I was away from blog since few days.. I hope everything is back to normal now at your place.. Even then take care di..

    As always a soulful poetry.. :) And thanks for suggesting about Google transliterate.. I ll try it:)

  37. An excellent take on a natural disaster.I hope your family did not suffer much in the storm.

  38. very nicely written
    loved the idea behind the post.....

  39. Great poem, and powerful meaning behind it with just a few words. Glad you're safe and sound, Saru!

  40. Such an apt thought at this time Saru. And I am so so glad that you are okay and safe. Take care.

  41. well written... nice lines...

    happy Diwali...


  42. Saru.. that was so thought provokingly written. It is really sad that nature has bore the brunt of all abuse from us for a long long time and some times when its patience is exhausted, she lashes out at us as a warning for us to take heed. But we have grown to be too thick skinned. The amount of climate change I have seen over the last 2 years has left me shell shocked and worrying about what the future holds for us.

    I hope things are back to normal for you. Take care Saru. :)

  43. Fruits of our deeds indeed..

    wish you a very safe dewali.
    take care

  44. We were so scared and worried to read about it!! Hope you weren't that badly affected.

  45. " When both the mother and child weep, I ask myself...
    Is it the wrath of Mother Nature or fruits of our deeds? "

    Nice !!!

    cudn't agree more !!

    Happy Blogging !!!

  46. Please take care, I am sorry I did not know about you. I hope everything is fine now and wish to read many more beautiful poems from you :)

  47. I was completely unaware that you are there. I hope everything is safe.
    And I am still ringing with the question you left in this post.

  48. the question at the last and your humbleness in P.S;I adore

  49. very sorry for d great loss of urs n so many more..
    hope things get better soon..
    God Bless..

  50. Unfortunately this is natures way of fighting back.. We humans will remain helpless! Glad you are safe.. God Bless..

  51. It is a question from all of us and I think none of us ready enough to reply :)
    by the way is everything fine in your side?

  52. I'm deeply sorry for the disaster that struck your place. I hope everything is fine with you and your loved ones.
    That was a beautiful poem. I can't help but to think that it is the damage done to nature by human beings that is causing all these disasters.

    Take care!

  53. lovely lines..
    and it is really sad that disasters like this keep happening..
    hope all s well.. take care..
    and hope nothing more is in store..

  54. Sandy had Beebe pretty harsh yes :( I hooey ure better and back to routine now.... tc

  55. Beautiful!

    i hope everything is normal at your side now..!

    this poem reminds me of 21st dec 2012 the Doomsday approaching !!


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