Words...My Words...

It's only words and words are all I have to take your heart away.
 And I hope, I do that sometimes...

This is the 100th post on this blog. Well, to call it a blog is an understatement. It is a part of me now. I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my journey. Here's what I think of Words...

Vagabond I am...
Tuning life with verses and phrase.
Scribbling essence in black ink,
A legacy I'll take to my grave.
Out-shining this world,
Living a million lives in a single day.
With words, my words,
Words, those are,
Slightly salty, slightly stray...

Looking forward to hearing what you think of me and my words.


  1. congrats saru...
    what a coincidence...
    my latest poem on my blog is also 100th post :-)

    i'm so very happy to be connected with such a nice author and a sweet soul.

    bless u..

    1. That's a beautiful coincidence. I'll read it and congrats to you too :)

  2. Congrats on the 100th post .. as usual a beautiful little poem

    I am not sure I am equipped to pass a comment on you and your words .. :) all i will say is that each time I read a poem here it makes me Think ..

    Thank you for sharing such lovely words with us Saru...


    1. Glad that my poems evoke some emotions in you. Thank you for reading and for your honest comments. :)

  3. When I registered on IndiBlogger, on the first day, I was very clueless, just working my way around. I stumbled upon something called IndiVine and the most popular post at that moment on IndiVine was "I am not Alone", clicked on it, read, was absolutely mesmerized by your "Words" and have been mesmerized ever since. My journey in the blogosphere started with your post 14 months ago and its been an absolute privilege reading you. I wait with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement every single Monday for your posts, I may miss reading anybody else' posts but I never miss yours. You have been an inspiration to me and will always continue to be.

    Its been such a wonderful journey, Saru. I have seen you evolving as an author since the past 14 months, love your serious love poems as well as your "Tharki" ones. Have immense respect for the issues and causes you choose to write about, using your huge readership to spread awareness about issues which need utmost attention. Along the way, I came to love your contest entries which showed a completely different side of you as a writer. Writing in two or more languages is so difficult but you showed how equally proficient you are in English as well as Hindi. Your poems in Hindi especially are absolute gems. You also accomplished one more thing which you can proudly display on your resume, 'Published Author'. I am the happiest for all your accomplishments. :)

    There are so many other things I want to say here, not sure what else to say. Thank you for being such a good friend and mentor. Congratulations on the 100th post. I wish you many more such milestones in future. :)

    1. As I told you, I was speechless and had tears in my eyes after reading your comment. It made me nostalgic as 'I am not alone' is one poem which gave me many readers and friends. You have summed up my journey in such beautiful and honest words and honestly, this is exactly what I think of myself. My hindi poems are better, I am evolving but that is because of readers like you and being published was really special.

      When someone understands you as you are, you feel so good. Never thought people connect so well in virtual world too.

      Can't thank you enough. Also, some relationships are beyond thank yous...:)

  4. Who else can define or relate words so beautifully like you do. Offcourse, legacy of words , you will take to your grave.
    No doubts your words are not words anymore,
    they now have become the soul of your.
    I don't know what you did, but you impressed the words so much, and now they don't want to leave you. And this does not happened with everyone, for this, clearity of mind and soul are required, which I think you have in abundance.

    Keep surprising us, keep hitting our heart, keep rocking! That's all I want to say....
    Cheers!!! :)

    1. I don't do this often but Awwww...for such a sweet and extremely beautiful comment. As a writer I wish I truly deserve the first part of this comment and as a person the second part.

      Thanks for being there in my journey which is incomplete without friends like you. :)

  5. Hey congratulations on the century. and looking forward to another one:) keep it up, it's always a pleasure to read your posts:)

  6. Slightly sweet too...:) congratulations Saru. I am awed at how many followers you have for 100 posts...that says what your words are...:) keep writing Saru.

    1. I guess, I am lucky to have so many lovely people around. Thanks for your wishes and for the 'slightly sweet' part...:)

  7. That's a memorable milestone! And not only the fact that Words has now 100 posts in it, it has such diverse gems, in English, in Hindi, in poetry, in proses... and about love, relationships, social issues... Words soothe, Words rebel. Words connect us through the thread of emotion that we share... and all I say, I'm proud to walk along with Words, post by post. :) :)
    My very very best wishes for you!! :)

    1. Thanks Madhuresh for being a part of it and for a beautiful comment. :)

  8. Saru, your 'Words' hold deep meanings and importance not just for you, but for all your readers. Apart from these wonderful poems that you churn out here, you are also a great motivator and an ardent reader of all the blogs that you follow! I can neatly say, I conitued to write poems because you felt they were of some worth. Many many congratulations on this milestone and here's to more and more 100s... and now about this poem -> A legacy I would take to my grave. Summed up just perfectly. That was the best line for me :-)

    1. Jenny, I've been trying to reach you. You are not on any social networking site and I don't know your email. Where are you, please reply if you read this comment.

      About your comment, the only thing that struck me is the mention of your poem. It was such a beautiful verse. And, extremely happy to know that my words are loved by so many people. Thank you!

  9. Words are your weapons and words are your shield...long live words.

  10. Words will get engraved in stone the way you are nurturing them Saru! Best wishes to see you flying high in times to come!

  11. Congrats for 100. Wishing a 1000 more.

  12. Congratulation... I read ur blog many tyms..its grt.. Most i lyk ur hindi poem TANHA... THAT IS GRT 1. keep riting nd all d best

  13. Congratulations for achieving this cool milestone! More power to you and your words!
    Cheers :)

  14. Saru-- You Rock.. keep up the good work and keep it flowing.

  15. Hearty congratulations :D you have done wonders by the time you have hit 100 :D This accomplishment empowers you to achieve more and more :D

    :) Congrats :D keep writing, would love to see you sail with words!

  16. "Well, to call it a blog is an understatement. It is a part of me now."

    Very Well Said..!

  17. Congratulations Saru :) and thank you for decorating this space with so much of colors :)

    1. It's a pleasure writing and being read by people like you. Thanks for being a part of this blog :)

  18. Congratulations Saru! needless to say, i love your work.. :):)

  19. Congratulations Saru! To write 100 well written quality posts is no simple task and it is a great achievement indeed. A great blogger writes and explores, engaging with others and you certainly have that quality. Thank you for your visits to my blog, I really appreciate it. Keep coloring Blogosphere with your beautiful "Words."

    1. I agree with you, blogging is a process where you enrich ourselves by engaging with others. Glad to know that you think I am doing good at it. It's always a pleasure reading you. And I'll continue writing... :)

  20. your "words" have become a part of our lives now! :)

    1. One thing is for sure Prateek, I can never thank you enough :)

  21. Love your words and your writing. Congrats and wish you loads of achievements,Saru!

  22. Congratulations. :)
    A visit to this blog always bring a smile. :)

  23. I loved it! :) It is so spontaneous :)

  24. Congratulations dearie :) This place 'words' is a divine place for all of the devotees like me.. Every time we visit 'words' it gives us a satisfaction, a pleasure and there are so many times when it has left us spell bound.. I seriously feel that we are lucky to have discovered 'words'.. your 'words'.. Respect is the word for 'words' and for you..

    Congrats once again Di :)

    1. Awww, that's so sweet of you. Thank you so much Sonia!

  25. Badhiyaaaan for the 100th post! Love your words, keep them coming!!:)

  26. Congrats on your 100th post. Great poem as always. Your Words, like you, is very very beautiful! :)

  27. Congratulations Saru..

    i remember the first time i read your blog., i came across one of your post and then i just could not stop myself from reading them all one after the other..

    Honestly, i have no words for 'your words'.. you are amazing.. and once again.,
    "Words, your words make even the dullest thing live and sweet"

    1. How sweet! Now these are the reasons I tell everyone that I'm lucky. How else would you justify having such wonderful readers like you. Thank you very much for being here Dipthi, you are truly special :)


  28. Saru.. A lovely sweet little poem that in your own magical words describe what these "Words" mean to you. To me, you own words. As water takes of the form of whatever it fills, words take the form you give them. They flow through the crevices of your mind, heart and soul and come out in the form of thoughts and emotions that delight, tickle and ignite our senses. Your poems are meaningful, potent and artistic to an equal measure.

    On a personal level, I am in awe of your writing. Plain and simple. I am also fascinated by your gentle and kind personality and I thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Your words are a part of my life as I look forward to every gem your mind and pen produce. And last but not the least.. poetry is one genre I have never even had the nerve to make an attempt at writing. And you are the best poet I have ever read and will probably ever read. :)

    Congratulations and look forward to the pleasure of countless "words" from you. :)

    1. Raj, you make us look less talented when you write prose. Your prose has poetry and please don't attempt to write poems as I won't be able to match your high standards :P

      And more than blogging connection we have, I cherish our personal bond of friendship. It is such a blessing to find friends like you. Thank you for such beautiful comments which btw are unique in itself. As I always say, you make us all speechless with your comments too. So, you can imagine what effect your posts have on us.

      Thanks again for gracing this space. :)

    2. Saru.. :) You made my day by your lovely words. Your friendship is one I cherish so much and I wouldn't have enough words to describe and appreciate. I am truly blessed to have friends like you. :) You are truly a wonderful person. And you are one of those special people who have made my blogging journey really memorable.

      Thank you so much for your lovely words about my writing (and generous praise ;)). I am honored. Writing poems is such an art and I sure won't try it as I know how difficult it is. :) And you are a fascinating poet and the best one I have read. :)

      And yeah.. I really loved Akshay's comment as well. Very sweet and from the heart. :)

      P.S: As I have said before.. It is your lovely and fascinating poems and articles that bring out nice comments from me. So the credit goes completely to you. ;)

    3. You deserve what I said, in fact I was not that liberal, you deserve much more than this. Yeah, Akshay's comment was very sweet. And I hope I'll never disappoint you with my writing...

      Thanks once again for being a great friend. :)

  29. Hearty congrats, Saru. Wish you many more laurels and happiness through Words:)

  30. hey Saru, no news from you so far... NJ is hit so vastly...hope you are doing ok...

    1. I was Ok without power for few days. Thanks for your concern Madhuresh :)

  31. Congratulations Saru, Your poems and post have been really creative.We have always enjoyed them , Thank you for this.

    1. Thank you Suhas and it is a pleasure having you here...:)

  32. WOW! Congrats dear on your 100th post :)


  33. Congrats...Thanks for making us smile always :)

    Village Girl

  34. Your words are, indeed, always beautiful & soothing. Congrats for achieving this milestone! I must say that your blog name 'Words' is very apt as it goes with every post you write.
    Keep going dear! :)

  35. Heartiest congratulations Saru :) I am sure everyone will agree with me that you are perhaps one of the best poet we know.. You have fantastic control over words and how to utilize them in your poems. Romantic, Social, hurtful - we name it and you have already written on it!

    Great going yaar.. wish you (oh, I am sorry, wish us) 100's and 100's of blog posts from your end! :)

    1. Binu, as far as control over words is concerned, I guess you are best at it. I am amazed at the quality of your posts. Thanks for such a lovely comment, it is a pleasure having you here.

      Thanks again for your support!

  36. Saru,

    Congratulations to you.. Wish you all the very best for your future.. and I'm glad to know you are safe too :) Take care..

    Looking forward to read 1000th post from you soon..

    Someone is Special

    1. 1000, now SIS I am not as talented as you. If I ever reach that number, I will be thankful to all the wonderful people like you.

      Thanks for being here :)

  37. Wonderful, it's dazzling one...

  38. Congratulations Saru! May hundreds of posts flow from your versatile mind.

  39. 100 posts ... congrats!! Have read quote a few of them and i would say hats off to consistency in quality.

    1. Thank you Brijesh. I guess the credit goes to all the wonderful people who read this blog.

  40. Hearty congrats Saru!
    You are a magician and words the articles...always at your command!!

  41. YAY! Time for celebrations! Heartiest Congratulations, Saru! Wish you a long long journey ahead full of words and verses, we love it so much because they are from a sincere heart :) Good going and Keep at it! :)

    1. You're one of the bloggers I look upto, so thanks for inspiring me Arti. You set the standards so high that others have to follow it to survive...:)

  42. Congratulations - I love Your Words. Always.

  43. Saru,

    Congrats, I love you and your words :)

  44. Saru,
    Congratulations on the 100th post milestone! I look forward to the 1000th.

    You write well. So keep on writing.

  45. Congratulations Saru and keep brightening our days with your words ! :)

  46. A cute little verse to mark the century-but don't talk of graves.

    1. I won't, it was just a wish you how I would like to live my life till the end. Thanks for your wonderful support Ma'am :)

  47. Lovely words...as usual! Congratulations on completing 100 beautiful posts! Hope to see many many more:)

  48. Many many congratulations for the 100th post and trust me we all love your words.

  49. keep it up. can understand your happiness this day. congrats.

  50. Many Many Smiles And Best Wishes, 100 Times :)

  51. Loved it soo much! Congrats for celebrating self and essence for the 100th time...keep writing :)

  52. I know you refrain from commenting on Love poem Sri but a day will come when you'll. Love works on everyone, you know...LOL...

    Thanks for an inspiring comment. :)

  53. The word 'Vagabond' which in the bygone days was used as an insult has always been my favorite. Its good to be different. And in a sea of bloggers, you are a class apart. Congratulations. You have accomplished in these 100 posts what many others will not in 1000s. Keep writing :)

    1. I'm truly touched. It's an awesome feeling when someone like you writes such a heartfelt comment. Thank you Puru.:)

  54. 100th comment for the 100th post... Congrats... Have read some of your posts here... Following you :)

  55. living a million lives in a single day ... so beautiful :)
    inspiring n delighting
    is d power in ur words
    No matter wer u go Saru,
    Ur words will always STAY! :)

  56. Even I think we are quite similar. I feel we have a lot in common. Glad that you like my poems and as I told you earlier as well your appreciation means a lot to me. And keeping my feet grounded is quite essential and I will quote one of my FB statuses here, 'When success goes to your head, you are dead.' Not that I feel I am successful but I truly cherish whatever I have achieved and would love to be like this forever...

    Thanks for being a part of my life. You're special! :)

  57. many many congrats mam for your 100th post. Its really a big achievement.
    Your writing has motivated me from time to time. You are a true motivator for new beginners like me as i have learnt a lot from your writings. May you write more than a crore poems, articles etc. and i should keep learning from your writings...

    congrats once again...

    1. Thank you Ashish. It's really wonderful to have a reader like you. You are a good writer and I'm glad my work motivates you. :)

      Thanks again for reading :)

  58. congratulations Saru for the 100th post ... your blog is not only part of you but has meaning in my life too .. :-)

    my apologies for the late comment..!

    1. No problems. Thanks a ton for your warm words. :)

  59. claps Claps!

    Nice Nice. Esp the black ink line.


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