Of Religion, Humanity and Love...

Of late, I find no solace
in the name of Allah, God or Christ.
Witnessing the shredding rituals of sorrow,
history of a thousand years lay naked.
The colors of celebrations spattered in crimson,
as if, were never sacred.
When a bomb goes off,
I ransack the tidbits, 
spring clean my mind;
unfolding the corners,
for solace I wish to find.
But, all I hear...
a war panning out in distance,
war for money, war for oil, 
or is it a War for Pride?
In the name of Allah, God or Christ, 
We all stand divide.
Now I shed the cloak of religion, 
in it, I wish to soak no more.
But dear humanity, remind yourself,
of unpalatable truths;
with time, you harvested as you sow.
You authored chapter after chapter-
Jews, Muslims, Sikhs
and no one was spared;
all died, rich, poor and innocent.
Learn from history;
Let love be the guiding light,
Bring the silver lining of happiness to cherish forever and ever.

Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair 
~ Gilbert K Chesterton ~


  1. Awesome post!!!! If only the light enlightens us all and world peace becomes a reality.

    It is not the common man who fights in the name of religion. It is the politicians and the biggies of the world, who divide the common men for various reasons. Religion is the easiest card when trying to make divisions and our previous generations have fallen for these gimmicks, every single time they were played, across the world.

    It is time to stand untied, for the color of blood is red, and the need for love is universal.

    1. It's high time we stand united. We know almost everything but we fall like a pack of cards in difficult times. We have to be more mature in our approach.

      Thanks for reading Akanksha :)

  2. Very nice message in a wonderfully written poem!!

  3. Lovely Saru ma'am! It is really different...
    Keep rocking...

    1. Glad you liked the different approach. Thanks for reading dear :)

  4. Very poignant piece, well written.

    Best wishes!

  5. pretty truly described.. nice and uplifting..

  6. True love has no boundaries. True faith is based on selfless love. And selflessness can come only when there is clear understanding one's belief. Great theme well expressed. Thanks Saru!

    1. I agree with you and thanks for sharing your beliefs here :)

  7. Love has to form basis for all religion. Powerful expression.

  8. Poignant ,Saru!I shed religion long ago for the same reason that more than love it has become a reason to hate.The more you believe,more restricted you feel in life.To feel liberated ,one needs to practise inclusion which sadly does not happen.

    1. Yeah, few things are hard to put in practice. Thanks for sharing your lovely views here Sharmila. :)

  9. Very thoughtful poem Saru.....There is no religion beyond humanity....beautifully written!

  10. Awesome...Nice message. And that quote at the end went good with your words. :)

  11. Amen to this message of what true religion should be. Beautifully written, profound message.

  12. Let love be guiding light! Loved this one. Saru, this poem too is top saru che! :)

  13. I wish your message would have reached to those people who spread violence in the name of religion.

  14. Beautiful words with beautiful message .. Awesome post saru di !!

  15. those words of you made me sink deep into thoughts... took few secs to come out of the scare it created in brain... awesome. Your my favorite always.

    1. Religion on many occasions has created scary images. I hope world learns from it. Thanks for liking my work, it's an honor :)

  16. Such a beautiful message Saru. No religion teaches us to hate or shed blood. But unfortunately that is what sacred things like these have been reduced to today, by many. The world needs people like you to hammer the reality in! Nice work as always :)

    1. We need a lot many people to tell them that we have to learn the best from our religion and not become fanatic. Thanks for reading and a beautiful comment.:)

  17. wonderfully written.....and i really admire your thought process in these lines....

    i feel that all of us, the so called humans must think that when six feet of land or a funeral pyre make all of us equal then why so much of hue n cry over the mortal issues and objects of the world....???

    1. You have told us the reality which we ignore. We have to keep in mind that we are mortal. Thanks for reading Irfan:)

  18. Yes Saru ji ...truely ...humanity and mankind is more important than religion ...!!

  19. Rightly said. I am of the same opinion. Religion becomes love and then love becomes obsession, obsession becomes compulsion and from there a war begins!

  20. No matter how many Godly men descend down to earth humans will continue the way they are . They will only have newer ways of hating each other . U r right . Only the theory and not the essence of religions get absorbed into the minds !

  21. Such a good poem with more than welcome thoughts :)
    Really, this world is more of a crazy place, man seems to be away from values and virtues...all that seems to matter is "things", power and politics. :(

    This observation, had made me a very "no religion" person in the past.I still feel there is no "need" for a religion is every person just understands the basic gist of the purpose of life.

    With some introspection, I started respecting religions more and because probably I began to understand them more.. however, it is people who follow them who are into the wrong habits !

    1. Actually people comprehend it wrongly and become fanatic. Love your religion and respect others too.

      Thanks a lot for sharing your views and welcome back. :)

  22. A very good poem Saru.
    A very nice message.
    All your post are really good.
    Liked it.

  23. Beautiful lines Saru--mankind is foolish-it never takes lessons from history.The quote at the end is so relevant today.

    1. Yeah, the quote hold so relevant and caught my attention when I read it. Thanks for reading Ma'am :)

  24. From few days my inner mind was restless due to the recent happening-political, social, environmental etc., but after reading your poem it as if cooled down..really for what are we fighting..why can't love prevail everywhere..really Saru a wonderful piece..

    1. You think like me, seriously, there should be love and peace everywhere. Thanks for liking the poem Ranita :)

  25. Thoughts on a very higher plane, excellently worded. A real gem masterpiece.

  26. The message is laudable, Saru. I couldn't restrain myself from reading it twice. A poignant poem I hope people read and understand the truth behind the words. Thanks for the brilliant read.

    1. Thanks to you for such an inspiring comment. It means a lot coming from you Vaishali :)

  27. Saruuuuuu! I'm speechless!!! I actually had goosebumps reading your poem! <3

  28. Violence in the name of religion is the worst form of violence. No religion promotes violence, its the world we live in and its people are the culprits, that's what the world has come down to. Its pathetic. A truly wonderful message, Saru. :)

    1. World has become a scary place to live Akshay. I agree with you on we being the culprits, I hope we learn from our past. Thanks for reading :)

  29. Its header, its footer & its body.....all them are miraculous. Very nice! Religion is being used as a trigger to divide people but as akanksha pointed, i think politicians get success because we are so much engraved onto it. Like you quoted: 'In the name of allah, god & christ we all stand divide'.

    I thought it must be written for the contest, 'Soak no more'. I am wondering why didn't you send it!

    1. Akanksha pointed out it rightly and I am glad to liked it. The first line of the comment is truly satisfying as a poet.

      I send it, there is no rule of adding the link but I added it now.

  30. its so true that religion has often blinded great men and societies alike and send them spiraling down to then end. Its so sad that this yet remains a grey area in society where people get enraged and threatened and many men so blinded by faith lay down their life in this frivolous pursuit.

    It makes me wonder what god ever craves the blood of a human, any human.

    Pages Off Life

    1. No, God never want us to do such things. We are blinded as I said, with money or pride.

      Thanks for reading and sharing your views Rupertt.:)

  31. Saru, you really struck hard and hope this is read by a much bigger audience! It is rare to hear such sane voices now! May you write even better and strike chord with people who can make difference to make this a better world:)

    1. I hope that too Sir, if my writing can make an impact, however small, it will be a reward.

      Thanks for reading and for an inspiring comment. :)

  32. Your ending is spot on Saru. Religion should be more of a love affair or a personal relationship with the almighty and not a theory we believe in.. People misunderstand religion a lot and make their personal judgement which traverses generations!

    Great post :)

    1. We bring personal judgement into everything and that's where our prejudice starts.

      Thanks for liking the post and sharing your views.

  33. wonderful poem with a beautiful message of equality.

  34. wonderful message mam .....a different and a awesome read :) :)

  35. aah..the futility of religion in the face of humanity, or the lack of it. beautiful!

  36. Till date I have never understood the concept of spreading violence in the name of religion.. I really wonder how can anyone even use the name of religion or god to spread violence.. Totally loved this piece of work Di:)

    Welcome back.. Missed u :)

    1. Even I wonder the same. It's good to be back, specially when I have people like you in blogosphere. :)

  37. 'Now I shed the cloak of religion,
    in it, I wish to soak no more.'
    At this moment of time, I feel this. I want to get rid of this burden. I want to let go of all those binds keeping me away from freedom aka happiness.
    Religion, follow it, but not at the cost of blood. and certainly not the blood which doesn't belong to you.

    Harhitting, powerful and reality strikes down poem Saru. Nice to have to back :-)

    1. True, follow it in spirit and not at the cost of shedding blood.

      Thanks for reading and it's good to be back Jenny :)

  38. Saru, the last quote says it all.Beautiful, both poetry and your stand...kudos!
    History is replete with parallel depraved acts of humans against other humans!Somehow your poetry reminds me of Rumi's-- Sufi path of love♥
    Just loved this!

    1. Rumi's quotes says a lot, there is an unparalleled depth in it. Thanks for reading and for a beautiful comment.

  39. Very poignant and beautiful poetry about religion and war. Both the picture and the quote match the sentiments of the poem perfectly.

  40. A big "Thumbs Up" Saru !! Beautifully written !! Since both my dad and my hubby were in the forces, I have closely seen the inhumanity that takes place in the name of religion. Point excellently executed!!

    1. I know what are you talking about. I have a second cousin who was a part of operation blue star. Sorry state of affairs...

      Thanks for reading Mukta :)

  41. Excellent poem, Saru. Best of luck for the contest.

  42. And congrats to you too on the blogadda pick Saru :)

  43. I somehow sometimes view religion as a mask man uses to hide his evil side; an excuse to his evil deeds; a mirage he chooses to live in. Your words are potent and incisive as they tear apart this fake mask of mankind that has bled humanity again and again. Truly masterful writing and your words have the magic of cleansing our souls. :)

    1. You are right, you need some excuse or mask. Thanks for reading and sharing your views Raj. Welcome back:)

  44. awesome post .. you have a beautiful mind Saru!

  45. Brilliant composition, Saru! One of your highly impactful poems! Violence of any form and in any name is indignant. Let's hope love takes over!

    1. Yes, lets hope love prevails...

      Thanks for reading Harsha and welcome back :)

  46. Congrats Saru for Tangy Tuesday. I would like to appreciate the kind of mood you brought in and simplify the religion in a very beautiful way. Hope everyone would understand the essence of it. I liked these line very much where you are questioning the reason for it. " a war panning out in distance,
    war for money, war for oil,
    or is it a War for Pride?" and I think war for pride is in priority which is the root cause of terrorism and hatred.
    Everyone should shed cloak of religion if the religion making them divide, or ask them to do the violence in name of Allah, Jesus or Christ.
    May the God gives everyone wisdom to interpret the religion in one language and that language is Love.

    I personally want this poem of your should be included in the text book of every school so kids can learn and understand the true meaning of religion- is Love.
    Overall I liked this poem very much.
    Keep rocking and shocking!

    1. Thanks for your wishes :)

      Yes, pride does a lot more damage than anything else which btw is quite evident in our lives as well. Shedding the cloak of religion is difficult and if we can't do that, we can atleast have tolerance of others. And amen to the thought that God give wisdom to all of us to interpret religion in the true sense, in the sense of love.

      For the inclusion you mentioned, it makes me so humble. I wish we can teach everyone to love and make more space in their hearts. Thanks for liking the poem and for one of the most beautiful and sensible comment on this blog. :)


  47. Yeah, I wonder how can people kill in the name of religion. Thanks for reading Ashwini :)

  48. So simple...yet profound...and absolutely true!
    A great thought wonderfully written, Saru!!

  49. Beautiful verse...and congratulations for Tangy Tuesday!

  50. Congratulations for Tangy Tuesday..truly beautifully written poem reflecting the harsh reality of today's times.

  51. Well done!
    Sad, but the truth...
    One World - divided by countries & continents
    One human race - divided by religion!

    1. Very well said Sunil, one human race, divided by religion. Thanks for reading and welcome back.

  52. Let me tell you that I share your very pain in greater depths. The pain of seeing the world (read that as humanity) apart.

    It rips and kills slowly.
    It would be a great favor if you could check this out for me.



    1. Sad to know that there is a deeper pain relating to this issue. I wish world to be quieter place. I will surely read yours...

  53. No doubt it is a war for pride. In a war nobody wins but humanity dies. wish the political leaders realize this.


  54. Many many Congratulations for Tangy Tuesday and all the very best for upcoming challenges.
    Today you wrote a tremendously about a very amazing topic and every one are facing this problem. And must thing is that we all very well know we have this problem but I think now we need to take a step for this topic.
    I have one example on this topic that when I studied in school and college that time we all have many friends I also have. One thing I noticed that
    We naver think when we make friends he or she belongs to this cast but when you told to your family he or she is my friends than almost asked one ques. That which cast or from which religion they belongs. It's very bad thing I told this thing because I observed this...We are learning in schools than for this revolution we need to start from school and colleges. I have these things I shared with you I hope u like it......And you are writing very well ...Keep it up...


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