
Tipsy because of weather, my heart is on mindless race.
Which one to admire more,
The tresses caressing your cheek or your lovely face.


  1. i wud go for the face...but if it's about love for Dove hair care,I guess I can settle for the tresses as well...:-D

  2. Haha..that was so lovely, Saru. :):) And the image is so perfect for your lines.

  3. aahaa ! really nice..
    Its going with the lovely face :D

  4. nice..I wish someone would say the same to me someday but I doubt it because I myself know that my hair is much much better than my face:)

  5. aahh.. someone is on a romantic race... beautiful Saruu!! :) so sharp feelings and a lovely pic! :)

  6. What should I say Saru?
    I feel you are always excellent.
    Thanks for this nice post.

    Find time to visit my blog.please.

  7. That was naughty yet cute expression..
    Saru,it's really sweet n short poem :)

  8. I love how this short poems express so much in so few words.

    Tipsy because of the weather...Lovely! :)

    Wishing you a warm day!

  9. I wish someone actually said those lines out loud to me :(
    How beautifully u express!

  10. Oh wow! this is one of the most romantic pieces I have ever read! I loved it, Saru! You are so talented!

  11. Thats ossome! Sweet and crisp...Btw, the picture is lovely, it complements the read:))

  12. Creditably! converted to a 4D image...
    The last line made it 3D, while prefix lines denotes extra dimension of timing..:)
    Now it appeals perpetual..Good work Saru:)

  13. Hello.
    Beautiful expressions of love are like food for the soul.

    Perfect imagery Saru.
    Thanks for sharing & for your visit/comment. Much appreciated.

    The Sweet Voice Of Love

  14. You know how to create magic in just a minute! Exquisite as usual. :)

  15. I feel this way lately, tipsy from the weather!!!

  16. Every romantic male needs to be good in poetry to woo thir sweet hearts. So, sweethearts never get compromised by these soothing lines. Make them work hard to win ur invaluable love.
    'Short and crisp' lines and thanx for sharing.


  17. Maybe because I am in the worst of moods right now, it brought tears into my eyes!! Soulful as always..

  18. if i cud just produce stuff like u, i'd be one chick magnet yaar. ur too good :)

  19. in love you are with life!..thats simple, short and sweet...the weather,ahh.tickels many feelings..but so does the long tresses :D
    wonderful read, as ever!

  20. wanted a lil more... but the lines and pic put together are simply lovely!

  21. Tresses :-)

    Women can so relate to this....a very intimate moment captured in fewer words...

  22. The tresses may be beautiful, The face so lovely.
    But that is all external.
    I would peek in to her heart. Through her eye.
    There the real beauty lies. Which is eternal.

  23. I am curious..when you wrote it? and how and why?


    its beautiful indeed.

  24. Short and sweet with a pinch of naughtiness :)
    saru I would love to see a haiku from you are good with few words too! :)

  25. Charming
    Much said in few words

  26. You have me wanting for more of such posts,

  27. I see you are a celebrity already! I had a tough time scrolling down to find a place for my thoughts and by the time I reached here I forgot what it was I wanted to say!

    But you thoroughly deserve the accolades. I get sick of the crowd writing contrived rhymes and using words, unaware of the connotations. Your poetry sounds genuine, emanating right from the heart. Carry on, poetess!

  28. ive been wanting to write a 3 liner.. cudn yet.. well done!! :)

  29. Wonderful rhythm and feeling in this one.

  30. a great romantic poet is there in you ur love infinite to the world

  31. why cant we have both???... YAYYYYYYYYYYY :P... sorry internet meme's have taken a toll on me :)... but i so love the thought and the pic too :). They are lovely :) the words are so soulful. Love them :)

    Take care and keep writing..........

  32. @magiceye- Thank you Deepak Sir:)

    @Rahul- Thank you Rahul!

    @MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!.- Thanks a lot Dear.

    @Bikramjit Singh Mann- Great way to win her:)

    @äмän ♥- Thank you Aman!

    @Harsha- Thanks a lot Harsha:)

    @Reicha Ahluwalia- Your pick Reicha...:)

    @Pooja Sridhar- It's so good to have lovely hair...Thanks for the comment Pooja...

    @केवल राम :- Thanks.

    @Anand- Thanks a ton Anand:)

    @Rakesh Kumar- Thank you so much Sir...

    @deepbaazigar- Thanks Deepak for liking it!

    @Nasnin Nasser- Thanks a lot dear...

    @Sameera- Thanks for a warming comment Sam:)

    @Red Handed- Somebody would... :) :) :)

    @Mehak- Thank you!

    @Shilpa- Thank you Shilpa for such a beautiful comment:)

    @Team G Square- Thanks...

    @cloud nine- Thank you dear!

    @S- Thank you!!!

    @Being_AC- Thank you so much Sir:)

    @Neha- Thanks Neha...

    @Andy- Thank you Andy!

    @Spiderdama- Thanks Tania:)

    @Raj- Thank you Raj for a lovely comment...

    @SuKupedia :) :)- Sweet like your cake...:)

    @alissa4illustration- Weather is great these days:)

    @AKSHAY KUMAR G- Thanks Dear:)

    @Lady*♥*Fiona- Thank you so much Dear...

    @Rahul Bhatia- Thanks Sir!

    @sriramnivas- I agree on your take...thanks!

    @The life-a-holic- :) :) :) Smiles for you Deepthi...

    @ANSHUL GAUTAM- Thank you!

    @Binu Thomas- Thanks Binu.

    @kalpak n.- Thank you Sir...:)

    @induravisinghj- Thanks:)

    @A grain of sand- Thank you Stuti...

    @KP- Thanks!

    @Rosette Princess- Loved your recent post dear...Awesome!

    @Rohit Sareen- I wish to write more but little busy these days. Thanks for the comment!

    @TheBluntBlogger- Thank you Chintan...:)

    @Chandra81- Thank you:) :) :)

    @Sahana Rao- Indeed...:)

    @India's no.1 blog- :)

    @Kunal- Beautiful lines Kunal...

    @Shaifali- I wrote it a night before posting and it just came to my mind...Hope that answers your questions:)

    @SUB- Thank you...

    @Kitty- Thank you Kitty, will try to write it!

    @matheikal- Thank you Sir!

    @sm- Thanks.

    @Swapna- Thanks...

    @Chetan- Thank you Chetan!

    @Animesh Ganguly- Thank you Animesh...

    @Vyankatesh- Thanks a lot!

    @umashankar- I'm not a celebrity, just blessed with beautiful people. Thanks for a heart warming comment...

    @சேகர்- Thank you!

    @Mr.Jovita- Thanks:)

    @Sridhar- Thank you Sridhar...

    @ladyfi- Thank you Dear:)

    @kranthi- Thank you kranthi:)

    @Thousif Raza- Thank you Thousif and thank God for your recent post...Will read it soon...:)

  33. Touching it all in a few words... Fantastic!!

  34. The tresses caressing your cheek or your lovely face.

    What a wonderful Dilemma!

    Just lovely as the tresses and the cheeks

  35. The last line took my breath away!
    I can't really tell you how beautiful this made me feel :)

    Love, ~Moonlight~

  36. Fantabulous is the word :)

  37. Saru Mam - this is really interesting. The way the last line goes...hats of to you. stay blessed

  38. three lines and so much meaning! too good!

  39. what a brilliant expensive words chosen, best wishes.
    I am feeling like a nut, having written 3000 words,

  40. Sometimes lesser words create more magic :-)

  41. Oh my god, Short and SWEETER!

    check out my entry too,

  42. both.... Saru.. beautiful post...

    Someone is Special

  43. very lovely quotes..
    My good wishes..
    Hope u will promote my post "The Girl i loved"
    Plz promote it :)

  44. Are you sure the reason for tipsy was just the weather :-). You pack a punch in few words!

  45. Well, I would say - both :) Nice quotes..

  46. very beautifu and romantic expressions

  47. @Purba- Sure:)

    @Mithlash- Thanks Mithlash...

    @Arti- Thank you Arti!

    @Neeraj Kumar- Thank you Neeraj...:)

    @~Moonlight~- Thank you so much dear and welcome here...

    @joshi daniel- Ought to be, choice is so difficult...:)

    @Kiran @ Thank you Kiran:)

    @--- Bagya ---- Thanks:)

    @The Solitary Writer- Thank you dear:)

    @Aakash @ Love poems- Thank you so much Aakash...

    @vertu- Thanks:)

    @Ruchi Jain- Thank you Ruchi!

    @Anuradha- Thanks Anuradha:)

    @pramod- No Sir, it is a beautiful post, I read it a hour ago...:)

    @Bindu Juneja- Thanks Bindu!

    @Defiant Princess- Thanks a lot dear:)

    @Someone is Special- Thank you:) :) :)

    @chitra- Thanks dear...

    @Sampath- Thank you!

    @bemoneyaware- Thank you...:)

    @Sunil Padiyar- Thanks:)

    @zradar- Thanks dear:)

    @Jagan- Thank you!

    @Positive Thinking- Thanks a lot!


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