All Over Again...

Insomniac from many nights,
My condensed pulses want to revive,
Maybe our love story is too plain,
Let’s fall in love... all over again...
Remember the road, I walked in the rain,
Lurched bare feet beating the mundane,
I pocketed the moments that day,
Separated colors from all the grey,
My life has changed since and it won’t be same,
So, let’s fall in love... all over again...
In the twinkling of eyes, in the tapping of feet,
In the glass of wine, in the crumbling of bed sheet,
Sweet nothings walk never making a rush,
Always new story unfolds with a Midas touch,
Address me as you like but follow my plan,
C’mon, let’s fall in love... all over again...


  1. C’mon, let’s fall in love.......lovely

  2. Wow...! it's awesome...! make me feel like the same 1st day in love...!

  3. awwww :) certainly...

  4. C’mon, let’s fall in love... all over again...
    Amazing feeling....

  5. The post shows your depth & care,
    The reciprocal effect everyone will share..


  6. Beautiful post, melodic and melancholic at the same time.

    Nice read.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  7. Awesome use of words put together....

  8. Falling in love is a lovely feeling. Falling in love all over again would be an even more wonderful feeling. Lovely post :)

  9. I think we all feel this way about our relationships at one time or another. Things just start to feel the same old everyday.

    I love the line, "Separated colors from all the grey."

  10. its wanted me to start fresh are very talented!

  11. Who wouldnt say no to ur love if these line are what you gift them.

  12. Oh Saruuu... I read it all over again and again.. :-) At 10.30 in the nyt, after a hard day at work, this soothes my whole mind and body :-)

  13. In the twinkling of eyes, in the tapping of feet,
    In the glass of wine, in the crumbling of bed sheet,

    As far as your poem is concerned,its a good poetry.You are very talented. But,in my opinion love is very very pious experience beyond body and mind.

    If you find time Saru ji,please visit my post
    'वन्दे वाणी विनायकौ'.I hope you would.


  14. , let’s fall in love... all over again...
    In the twinkling of eyes, in the tapping of feet,
    , let’s fall in love... all over again......

    beautiful , awasome . never have a word to express my feeling . sweet like melting sweet butter .

  15. the exact feeling of falling in love; the colours of life changes, the physical changes from increased heart beat to change in pulses.....and you are also giving him a plan how to again fall in love......awesome loved it..the feeling of falling in love again and again with the same person is extremely wonderful experience.....thanks for sharing

  16. Lovely poem. Your language is apt for expression love.

  17. Believe me, I was waiting to read your further posts. And why not, such a lovely and soulful lines you write :)

    My fav:

    Lurched bare feet beating the mundane,
    I pocketed the moments that day,
    Separated colors from all the grey,
    My life has changed since and it won’t be same

  18. Blogrolled you at my personal blog! :)

  19. My life has changed since and it wont be same. so lets fall in love. all over again. superb. you have an amazing talent to bring out all your feelings through poems.

  20. lovely lines, wonderfully thought and beautifully written :) :) :)

  21. Fell in love with the words all over again

  22. something great for hopeless romantic like me....i wanna fall in love :P

  23. Just fell in love with these lines

    beautiful post :)

  24. A beauty this one. Romantic and lyrical.

  25. I loved the last two lines "Address me as you like but follow my plan,
    C’mon, let’s fall in love... all over again..."

    You've written it so beautifully and mesmerised me all over again!! :)

  26. Simple, nice and perfect :)

  27. Wow Saru.. as usual.. energetic.. lovely.. and filled with passion..

  28. I loved the melancholy of these lines Saru Di :):)
    You're fabulous :)
    Trust me, leave law :P and grab this :)

  29. this one is freaking awesome! feel like copying and reciting these for someone...spare me with copyright infringement :) ?

  30. OMG!,Superb display of WORDS Saru!.Luvly post.

  31. Wanna fall in love once again :-)
    Awesome ....

  32. You are like a book on romance...every word needs to be felt with thoughts, feeling and from deep within frm the heart...cheers...if your words are so much of a romantic stunner would you be in person...:) easily one of the best poems i have read in the signoff as always.."come lets fall in love all over again" as they say is like wine...gets better with age and so are your creations...:)

  33. beautiful...i fall in love with her every time i come back from office and see her eyes eagerly waiting for me...:D

  34. beautiful u write such beautiful things..beautiful feelings...

  35. lovely words...nicely crafted lines.

  36. wow! Saru you seem to be a person who writes with beautiful expression. happy to find a blogger who won my heart with a creative touch.

  37. Rejuvenating love, nice post :)

  38. lets fall in love.. wow..:)

    Weakest LINK

  39. Remember the road, I walked in the rain,
    Lurched bare feet beating the mundane..

    I don't know what to say..
    Way to go..
    Keep on writing..
    Sudeshna.. ;-)

  40. WoW! I really LOVE this one, Saru! Another beautiful write and splendid idea!

    The falling in love part of a relationship is such a precious time and such a sweet idea to fall in love all over again with the same person ~ maybe there would be less break-ups if people read this and did it! :D

    Love, love LOVE it!!! :) ♥

  41. Amazing poem, touched the heart... Almost like a song...
    Have a fabulous weekend Saru:)

  42. really lovely poem...... I'm your fan....

  43. Romantic, evocative and powerful messages here :) Following your poems here....

  44. :D lol...

    Wow has become synonymous to..??. :D :D ssshhhh...
    heheheheee :D
    everytime you do such a great job... then expressions and comments like "wow x n" ought to come!! :D

  45. I wouldn't mind falling in love again :)

  46. simple words to express deep thoughts lovely . you have given expression to desire of many a hearts - lets fall in love - all over again. Simply said 'Once is not enough'

  47. I fall in love every time I discover him! Accepting someone with a clean slate has a lot of surprises. Any soul would love getting surprised!
    Loved your poem. Beautifully worded. The lines are so smooth as though somebody is singing a song. :)

  48. Saru - I think we can strike the deal :)

  49. Came in through IndiBlogger Directory...
    Enthralled by your creativity; Now a follower with the intent of reading through all your posts by the end of the day...

  50. wow.. u just have magic in your words.. touchwood. I just love to read ur poems. "all over again" :)

    Being an avid reader, ur simple yet powerful expressions bind the reader...
    Keep posting!

  51. Falling in love with the same person again and again, deeper and deeper every time is a beautiful way of living. Lovely expressions!

  52. Very very nice work...keep writing !!!

  53. You're so good with those words....

  54. I just fell in love with your words all over again :)

    Love, Risha :)

  55. I think I told this before...but I wouldn't mind saying it again..I adore your blog.... :)

    This poem is MAGIKKK!!

  56. BEAUTIFUL.....n quite songish...loved it...:)

  57. beautifully put:) few things in life can match that feeling when you know you are falling in love:)
    you have a wonderful way with words:) keep it up:)

  58. i believe love should be abt excitement living for something new everyday... something surprising... so that every mrng... u have something new to live for... falling in love all over again is so awesome with the same person because u know what that person likes what he doesn't... so u can make the other person that much more happy :)

    cool poem... touched my heart at some lines...

    Take care and keep writing.....

  59. Hey...I've tagged u in Play The 7 Links Challenge! because it's great having u as a blogger friend! Chk it out now :)

  60. very honest and true poem. lovely!!

  61. this is so magical!! i love it totally!! :)


    मेरी रचनाये नीचें यहाँ पर भी हैं आप आये और अपने मित्रता की पंक्तियों में मुझे भी शामिल कर अनुग्रहित करें

  63. This was amazing, enjoyed going through it ..

  64. With that kind of poem, I'd fall in love with you alright! Amazing Work.The rythm was especially so smooth. Makes me want to sway

  65. i look at you
    i sigh again..
    i wonder when
    we'd meet again..
    if only this moment would never end...
    and we'll feel in love again !!

  66. Falling in love is such a good feeling and is looked at different angles by different people and no matter what they write the words come out beautiful. Great Post! Hi, this is Munir over here at Focus.

  67. Beautiful ... sort of felt like this song ..

  68. Wow... thanks to Indivine I found this really good poem and blog... very well written... captures the love and feelings easily :-)

  69. Beautiful! I love it, going to re-read it now! Indeed sometimes we forget to remember those great moments of love, as years pass by.
    And thank you for dropping by my blog :) Good day to you!

  70. Sooooo romantic... felt like reading the lyrics of some romantic track! You should consider singing your own poems... :) Do you??

    Awesome writing :)

  71. Wow , true said by most there ,very nice to have that feeling , so divine...stay in love Ms Saru!

  72. Great one Saru...!!!! I loved it...!! :)

  73. A thing of beauty is a joy forever... beautifully penned with a lot of emotion

  74. a heartfelt poem - a very sweet read :) Cheers, priya

  75. i love this i love this! :) i read this thrice and i soo love this!

  76. Very well penned...and it did garner a lot of lovely comments as it deserved....

  77. @Jidhu Jose- Thanks Jidhu:)

    @jaynthbusi- Thank you Jaynth...

    @Chintan- Anyone can fall in love over and over again with you...:)

    @induravisinghj- Thank you so much Indu:)

    @Being_AC- Your comment is very exclusive Sir, Loved it!

    @Blasphemous Aesthete- Thanks Anshul :)

    @Arpitha Holla- Thanks Arpitha!

    @Venkateswaran Ramachandran- Thanks RV and thanks once again for the award:)

    @Deepthi- Thanks Deepthi...

    @alissa4illustration- Thanks Dear!

    @Shilpa- Thanks a ton :)

    @Nasnin Nasser- Thanks :) :) :)

    @The Floating Clouds- Thank you so much and welcome here!

    @Red Handed- Thanks for such a nice comment:)

    @Anand- I'm speechless. :) Thanks Anand:)

    @Rakesh Kumar- I totally agree with you Sir and thank you. :)

    @shashi purwar- Thank you Shashi:)

    @Bhavna- Bhavna, you have described the entire poem in such nice words and with so much conviction. I read your comment atleast 10 times. Thanks and will say again 'You Rock'.

    Hariharan Valady- Thank you Sir!

    @Harsha- Harsha, I can't thank you enough and I'm so touched...:)

    @Mishi- Thanks :)

    @Little Heart- Thanks dear and comment like yours make my day:)

    @SuKupedia :) :)- Thanks a ton!

    @SHAHI KHAN- That's so sweet of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  78. @IRFANUDDIN- Thanks :)

    @Neha- Thank you Neha!

    @magiceye- Thanks Sir:)

    @Skywalker- I am glad that you liked it to that extent...:) :) :)

    @Gowthami Nandigala- Thank you so much...

    @Cynthia- Thanks and welcome here:)

    @डॉ॰ मोनिका शर्मा- Thanks Monica and one thing I wanted to say from a long time...I love your profile picture, beautiful smile...

    @metagravity- Mi, I have read your previous comment so many times and believe me, I laugh every time. In fact, wow to me has become synonymous know what! Thanks for this comment:)

    @--- BhAgYa VaSu ---- Thanks :)

    @KP- Thanks a lot!

    @~Serendipity~- Thanks Ayushi...:) :) :)

    @Rohit Sareen- If you infringe my copyrights, as a penalty, I want copyrights of your birds picture:) It's too good, Rohit:)

    @A grain of sand- Thanks for the encouragement!

    @kalpak n.- Thanks:) BTW your latest post is awesome:)

    @MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!.- Thank you so so much :)

    @swati- Thanks swati:)

    @India's no.1 blog- Believe me, I am not at all romantic...And, such a lovely comment. I am so touched...:)

    @SUB- That's so sweet Subhrasis, your wife is so lucky:)

    @nina- I have beautiful people like you in my life, that's why I write such poems:)

    @Kalyan- Thanks dear...

    @deeju- Thanks a ton for such a nice comment...:)

    @Animesh Ganguly- Thank you so much Animesh:)

    @Rachit- Thank you!

    @Sudeshna- Thanks dear:)

    @~*Lady Fiona*~- I wish too that there are less breakups and more happiness around. Thank you so much...:) You make my day with your beautiful words...

    @Arti- Thanks Arti :)

    @Sneha Sunny- Thanks a lot Sneha and that's a huge compliment:)

    @SprigBlossoms- Thank you and welcome here...

    @metagravity- Thanks Mi...:)

    @Purba- :) :) :)

    @अतुल प्रकाश त्रिवेदी- Even I think so Sir, thank you so much for your kind words...

    @Spicy Sweet- Thanks and your comment is so beautiful...

    @Mohur- Thank you so much Mohur and welcome here:)

    @Shesha Chaturvedi- Thanks for such a wonderful comment:) :) :)

    @Nandhini- Thanks a ton dear:)

    @deepbaazigar- Thank you!

    @chitra- Thanks Chitra...

    @♥ Braja- Thanks Dear:)

    @Risha Kalra- Awww, thank you so much Risha...Your recent post is really edgy:)

    @Kunnu- Thank you Kunal:) :) :)

    @vaisakhi- Thanks a lot :)

    @TD23- Thanks for appreciating it so nicely:)

    @Thousif Raza- Thanks Thousif, love is a divine feeling...

    @Neha- Thanks for making me a part of the challenge, will do it soon:)

    @Sameera- Thanks Sameera...

    @anand- Thanks Anand...

    @N.S.Kirti- Thank you!

    @NEELKAMAL VAISHNAW- Thanks and will surely visit your blog...

    @Aakash Kokz- Thanks Aakash:) Thanks a ton...:)

    @Dwiti- Thats beautiful:)

    @Anonymous- Thank you so much Munir...

    @Vardhini- Thanks Dear and will check it out.

    @Angelindistress- Thank you and welcome here:)

    @Rashmi Nair- Thanks and the song is lovely...

    @sowmya- Thank you Sowmya...

    @Nasir- Thanks:)

    @Seeker of Equanimity- Thank you so much and welcome here:)

    @joshi daniel- Thanks Daniel:)

    @சேகர்- Thank you:)

    @Ashwini- Thanks a lot Ashwini:)

    @Ambika- Thanks Ambika :)

    @Sunil Padiyar- I'm a terrible singer Sunil. Thanks for the comment and your story was too good. I loved it.

    @Angel- Thanks Angel...:)

    @DJ- Thanks Dheeraj:)

    @Rahul- Thanks Rahul and welcome here!

    @Now Serving- Thanks a ton dear and welcome here:)

    @sawan- Thank you so much for reading and appreciating it!

    @The Fallen Poet- Thanks a lot Dear and welcome here!

  79. once I read it..I could not stop myself reading it all over again.....
    I too want to fall in love.....

  80. the hell did i miss these beautiful poems :) beautiful is the word!

  81. Romantic!!! Love certainly makes one's life colourful... Liked the way you said it.

  82. @umashankar- Thanks a ton!

    @Soumyadeep- Thank you and welcome here...

    @Pradeep Raj- Thanks Pradeep :)

    @Bindu Juneja- Thanks!

    @Mithlash- :) :) :)

    @Madhusha- Thanks dear, you made my day!

    @Nisha- Thanks Nisha:)

  83. Beauuuutiful poem... very beautiful...!!! I had to read it AGAIN! :)

  84. I love your poems so much Saru that I was re-reading them and discovered this one which I missed earlier. It is such a lovely poem and for a moment I thought I wanted to be in love again ;)

    1. Awww...that's so sweet of you and hope you a better now...:)

  85. loved these lines "In the twinkling of eyes, in the tapping of feet,In the glass of wine, in the crumbling of bed sheet" brilliant rhyme

  86. beautiful:)
    it'd be great if u check out my blog too

  87. okay m outta praises! itz superbb! :) lucky to have cum here!!

  88. Replies
    1. Thanks Sonia, falling in love is so magical...:)

  89. Good one ....I also share the same title for one of my peoms !

  90. In the twinkling of eyes, in the tapping of feet,
    let’s fall in love... all over again...

    My best lines.
    Its easy to describe either the grey part or the life-after-love part. but in my opinion you have successfully described the bridging from the grey to the life-after-love part.

    1. Thank you Pratik for such an encouraging comment and welcome here. :)

  91. cmon Saru, I am already in love with you ;)

  92. the title is really catchy.nice piece of work admin.keep it up.


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