Mumbai is asking...

I forget the wounds,
Every few years they remind me,
Inked in the color red,
My tattered soul asks, "Why me?"


  1. no our country has been made helpless by the ever so greedy politicians who r busy filling their own accounts and homes trying to deprive us of our basic needs also.they r going to make sure that an above average person in near future does not have a home to live,no cylinder for cooking and he keep slogging to pay more than required taxes just so that our dear NETAS can while away time in jhuggis our in charted flights.

  2. Really nice. I hope India will never face that kind of incident again. India and Indians has suffered a lot.

  3. My ,can't believe this! Those who did this don't deserve to be given a space in this world ,they were the ones who should die and not the innocent ones..i don't know why God would not take early this people then throw to the wilderness.They got no heart ,nothing at all! A terrorist be forever a terrorist.
    My heart bleeds esp for those children whose parents were victims ,see now what will happen to the kid who are left .who will take care of them. Let there be peace in whole world ,for those who don't like peace then take suicide thats good for you!
    God bless all humanity.
    God bless Mumbai ,India.

  4. Very sad news....Feeling really bad for the people who have lost their dear ones.....

  5. I don't understand people who just bomb innocent strangers. If you wanna die in a bombing die alone, don't bomb yourself near others or bring down buildings

  6. I'm extremely sorry that you guys have to go through this ordeal just when the rest of the world thought, India has pulled through.

  7. Wounds inflicted,
    & gets healed,

    Scars reminds me,
    That its always me,
    Whether its political rage,
    or Terrorists cage.

    Wounds reopen,
    Feelings, deaden.
    Its always me,
    It will always be!

  8. I read a few of you poems. Very simple and very powerful.

  9. Agree with Abha here; i guess its about us and we tend to forget and forgive :( its high time to retaliate and show them what we can. unfortunately the might of our defence is tied with thin red political threads :(

    Joins you in the pain Saru, take care.

  10. @dr abha taneja- We are right in blaming politicians. I feel we should have an organisation to counter terrorism, one formed by the citizens of India, after all we are the ones who suffer in these attacks. Now, we should do something ourselves then depending on our useless government.

    @My Name ?- I can only say that your thoughts were invaluable. Keep Sharing...

    @magiceye- Heartbreaking, My condolences for those who lost someone.

    @Sneha Sunny- I hope so too Dear.

    @Angel- Right, those left behind have to suffer the most. God Bless India!

    @Upasana- :)

    @Neha- Yeah, Biggest Loss for anyone.

    @Poetic Soul- I simply can't reason why people kill.

    @Usha- Thanks for your concern.

    @Beyond Horizon- Beautiful words, Alas! we have to suffer always.

    @matheikal- Thanks!!!

    @sawan- Yeah, it's high time, citizens should initiate something.

  11. It's not their fault who are killing humanity everyday; it's the fault of the Humanity.

    May God forgive us all.

  12. @Bhakt Acharyya- Great perspective. May God Bless us all!


  14. Do boond pani ko tarsta raha!!!!
    Khoon ka sailab umad pada!!!.....

    unless we not adopt technology well for surveillance, we will have to bath in red water...

  15. @Santosh Bangar- I wish the same dear.

    @Unseen World- First, beautiful words. Second, I don't think that India can have that much technology, forget about using it. We don't have bullet proof jackets for our cops. But, I do wish we have and use it to protect the lives of millions.

  16. Saru you are underestimating our strength .. we do have problem is adopting it..satellite surveillance and close circuit surveillance is hourly need for mumbai... lets see wen politicians will feel patriotic and do something for citizens..!!!..never loose hope!!..something sometime will happen

  17. @Unseen World...!!!- I don't underestimate India as I know Indians are making their mark in every field but as a country we are not functioning properly.

  18. May i ask since when you away from india?

  19. we are mute spectators that's it and we are happy to see them live on tv, call up our near and dear ones and say thank god you are safe and finally discuss them next day on office and forget it. even the govt knows it and i am not an exception. it's just not terrorism we Indians have adjusted to everything and prefer to be blind.

  20. @Unseen World...!!!- Just 2.5 months dear and I am back soon...:)

    @Prasant- We are so busy in our lives that it's the most convenient thing to do.

  21. u know a thing? last time on july 13th i was there in colaba and am shocked that even after the blasts the police people were'nt checking...! i felt really bad at the city's position!

    "it gives billion hopes to 10million people and the security to is none!"

  22. @jaynthbusi- That's pathetic but we Indians have accepted everything. With increase in frequency of terrorist attacks, we are just bothered whether our loved ones are safe or not. Great quote in the end by you.

  23. "Why me?" What a question! Hope it reaches the hearts of perpetrators.

  24. @Hariharan Valady- I wish too Sir, otherwise we are mere spectators.


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