I Am Not Alone

Last year blessed me,
He walked silently into my life.
It was Love,
That took me in its stride.
One evening we walked holding hands,
Then, I told him what I felt in heart.
He said we were one soul,
Who were living in parts.
To bring the parts together,
We fought with the world and tied the knot.
Being one soul,
Gave life a whole new spot.
Chirping birds, floating clouds,
Nature conspired for us.
Always swimming against the tide,
Life was in an adrenaline rush.
This year cursed me,
He walked silently out of my life.
It was Death,
That took him in its stride.      

Yesterday his soul was saying,
Fearing memories will fade, he can’t move on.
He will stay and admire me,
Standing always by my side from dusk to dawn.

Image Source - Here


  1. this is nice but one question why is that majority of your poems are on sad side of emotion??

  2. It's your understanding about the philosophy of life that generates emotions.Your deep emotions are impressive and touching.

    Please, find time to visit my blog.

  3. He said we were one soul,
    Who were living in parts.

    loved these lines.. simply superb.. if u keep writing such awesome poems i'll run out of words synonymous to awesome, touching, excellent and brilliant to describe them.. :)

    I hope I can write poems lik these one day.. :):):)

    take care.. :)

  4. That was one nice poem..... Simple lines, not hard to understand..but felt it!

  5. Whow Saru thats a very heart touching poem... I'm Just Loving you Posts...


  6. wow..u write very well.
    Congrats for the century followers

  7. Hi Saru, :)
    I love this poem, its very emotional. Just curious, this poem does it really comes from true experience?

  8. life outward flow... unstoppable, unconquerable.

    Weakest LINK

  9. Sigh.. to find the other part of a soul and then lose to Death, it is quite saddening..

  10. Beautiful..I liked this line- "Chirping birds, floating clouds,
    Nature conspired for us"

  11. Made me skip my heart beat at "It was Death"

  12. Simply super! excellent one.. thouching :) liked it..

  13. Touching lines. Beautifully written. But the end hurts!

  14. "He said we were one soul,
    Who were living in parts" This was magnetic :)
    You pen down some of the most soulful poems Saru Di :)

  15. such a wonderful blog. Keep up the good work.

  16. @Skywalker- I just pen down thoughts dear, I have only four sad poems. Please check love poems and hope you like those as well. Thanks.

    @Rakesh Kumar- Thanks Sir and I am following your blog.:)

    @Ms. Holla- Thanks Arpita and you write so beautifully, I wish I could write as refreshing as you write...:)

    @Red Handed- Thanks Dear.

    @Jay- Thanks Jay, your posts motivate me...You have a nice collection on your blog.

    @Jidhu Jose- Thanks Jidhu...:)

    @moonshaneisle- No Dear, Just came to my mind couple of days back. Thanks for liking it.

    @Neeraj Dwivedi- Thanks Neeraj and welcome here :)

    @Sneha Sunny- Thanks Sneha:)

    @mahendra srivastava- Thanks and Welcome here:) Hope you like my other posts as well.

    @Rachit- True and beyond this world...

    @Sujatha Sathya- Thanks Sujatha:)

    @Leo- It is but what's beautiful is to feel love when he is not around. Love transcends boundaries and even death can't take away this feeling from you.

    @Mishi- Thanks:)

    @DR. ANWER JAMAL- Thank you!

    @vertu- These are my favorite too...:)

    @Nasnin Nasser- Thanks Dear...

    @xyzandme- I hope you like it...:)

    @Anand- Thanks Anand

    @magiceye- Thanks Sir...:)

    @KP- Thanks a lot:)

    @डॉ॰ मोनिका शर्मा- Thanks Monica, means a lot coming from you...

    @Ben- Thanks Ben:)

    @Harsha- I know but thankfully it's just a poem...

    @Rishu- Thanks Sweetheart, I am glad you like it:)

    @Somsi- Thanks Dear:)

  17. you really blend emotions well :) nice one :D

  18. a beautiful love story in such a few words :) :).. your ability to pen it down is wonderful ..luved reading it :) :)

  19. awsum
    just keep it up.....
    very beautiful love story......

  20. the whole love story some have it in parts some just one
    you write simply but beautiful expression

  21. HI Saru...very beautiful. I can see you through your words. Keep writing..I am following you :)

    Cheers, Shaifali

  22. Aww...Beautiful! Ur words are so soulful:)

  23. Saru , once again very beautiful touching words and thanks a ton for dropping by my blog and leaving your comments. I loved your idea of bursting wrapping bubbles to get ideas ...brought a smile to my face. I may not be able to reply to all your comments but i truly cherish them

  24. A very good poem. I think all poems are representations of what you are feeling at the moment. Super impacting!

  25. while the reading this beautiful poem ,just i was part of your beautiful thoughts or i would like to give the word for it full heart of soul ,and lost para was very nice philosophy of the live . what i say for this beautiful creation and i am very admire of your beautiful brain , i am very thanks to you to provide as such beautiful poem .

  26. For a few days my internet was down, I remember thinking about your poetry one afternoon and I gotta say, I'm not disappointed

  27. Soul stirring words, delve right deep into the heart! Beautiful :)

  28. Wow, You've written it so beautifully..
    I hope it doesn't happen to anyone!

    Very well written, Saru.. Keep it up!

  29. wow......... express so beautifully ........... love is soul of life .......... !

  30. Saru... it is indeed one of the very good post and emotions... but very scary and breath taking to think and feel the loss of loved one... !!!!

  31. Simple yet powerful!

    "He said we were one soul,
    Who were living in parts."

    Gr8 Post! :)

  32. Very nice...heartfelt love :) nice poetry

  33. @LHInsights- Thanks Prasant:)

    @Sunita - The Me :) :)- Thanks Dear...

    @Ankit Malhotra- Thanks Ankit...

    @अतुल प्रकाश त्रिवेदी- Thanks Sir :)

    @Shaifali- Thanks Shaifali :)

    @deepazartz- Thanks Deepa...

    @Shilpi- See how mind works, I have packed five times in the past two years. Thanks for dropping by:)

    @alissa4illustration- Thanks Dear:)

    @rajeev ranjan shahi- Thank you so much:)

    @Poetic Soul- Awww thanks, I am so touched.

    @Sridhar- Thanks a lot!

    @Arti- Thanks for such a wonderful comment:)

    @Mi- Thanks Dear:)

    @sapne-shashi.blogspot.com- Thanks Shashi:)

    @neelima- I agree Neelima, it's so difficult to bear the loss of loved ones. Thanks for your lovely comment.

    @jaynthbusi- Thanks:)

    @indigenou-Thank You!

    @devangini- Thanks a lot:)

    @jugal- Thanks Jugal and you know I can't thank you enough:)

  34. Beautiful poem. Deep and moving.

  35. well I dont really read poems much, but seeing this one I cant stop without reading the full. Very good creation. All the best for your blog


  36. Wow! That was good. The rythm was excellent, the imagery was good.
    "Chirruping birds, floating clouds..." Pretty good. I also liked the impact of
    "It was love
    That took me in its stride"
    and then
    "It was death
    That took him in its stride"
    Amazing you used the emotions created before and then changed the flow with that one line
    Good work

  37. He will stay and admire me,
    Standing always by my side from dusk to dawn.

    Loved these lines..

    Keep writing Saru.. really enjoy reading your posts :-)

  38. beautiful lines...Your play with words is amazing....heart touching...

  39. कविता खरच खूप छान झाली आहे. तरीही rhyming words ची पेरणी केल्यास तिचं सौंदर्य अधिक खुलून दिसेल.
    तुमची परवानगी न घेता तुमच्या कवितेचं स्वैर मराठी भाषांतर करून मी माझ्या ब्लॉगवर टाकलं आहे. पुन्हा असा करणार नाही. पण भाषांतर आवडलं तर नक्की कळवा.

  40. Hi Saru ~ this poem is so beautifully happy and then so beautifully sad ~ I do hope it is not from a personal experience ... I really loved it & I'll definitely be back to read more! Thanks for sharing :-)

  41. Oh nice poem but seems you are sad , who left? Him?

  42. Very well written Saru. The gift of good expression in few word is not bestowed on everyone, it is a poet's privilege. Nourish it and keep using it, that is what it is meant for:)

  43. i loved the concept... starts and ends with a simple but momentous not, i just think the ending line could have been better, explaining why love took it, saying maybe like "death was jealous, so it took it in its stride" i would have loved that...

    but saying thta... u have this power, i dont know how but u have this power to say just simple lines and say so many things, i get ur emotion now, i get it... and i have to say wow... WOW... that was an amazing end... i love it... i really do... awesome effort ya really... :) :D

    I loved the last lines though completely... its like ur signature which leaves with a thought for the reader's mind :)

    take care and keep writing...........

  44. Very nice written. keep it up plz..

  45. Such beautiful words!

  46. @~*Lady Fiona*~- Thankfully, it's just an imagination. Thanks for liking it and I need your support!

    @Angel- No, I'm not sad. It's just a thought which I presented in the form of poem. Thanks for liking it!

    @Satish Mutatkar- Thank you Sir and your words are very encouraging.

    @Thousif Raza- Thanks Thousif, your thought about highlighting Death's arrival and cause is superb. Actually, I wanted to use same lines with some changes. I can use your thought in my next poem. I have say again that your comments make my day:)

    @Anil Avtaar- Thanks Anil and welcome here...

    @Prabhavathi- Thanks Dear!

    @SUB- No, I just pen down whatever I think. Thanks Subhrashis...:)

    @Sudeshna Das- Thanks Dear!

  47. U made me cry!! such soulful words

  48. amazing poem .. words are rally touching ..



    कृपया मेरी नयी कविता " फूल, चाय और बारिश " को पढकर अपनी बहुमूल्य राय दिजियेंगा . लिंक है : http://poemsofvijay.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post_22.html

  49. wow...
    amazingly executed... tremendous... :)

  50. one word-'beautiful',won't say more or i'll ruin it.

  51. This is something I can't say anything, just read and feel the emotions behind the words

  52. Warm toned it is, touching the heart directly. Awesome!

  53. A tragic one but another masterpiece from you :)...

  54. @Saru Ma'am: Awesomely written...and thats what make me ur fan...u say so many things with few and simple words....and deep meaning..I have to learn a lot from you....

    A gr88 poem :)

  55. Sad but a wonderful poem ... God be with you ┼

  56. I noticed your blog from indiBlog. I really liked it.

  57. Despite the sadness in the poem, I like the way it ended.. With hope, faith and simply undying love... Beautiful!

  58. You have interesting imagination!
    Nice poems you got here

  59. Cool Poem... thanks for sharing.. keep it up...

  60. simple words depicting love.. beautiful...

  61. well after reading this post, i feel like i should suggest one of my friends who also writes poetry, but is afraid to show her works.....
    a good one simple but touching...nywyz thanks for the passive advice..:-)

  62. Does it have something to do with losing a loved one?

  63. My God! Amazing WORDS! Heart-wrenching

  64. @reacharcs- I am so sorry for that:)


    @Pythoroshan- Thanks a lot!

    @Vijay Kumar Sappatti- Thanks Sir...

    @POOJA- Thanks for appreciating it Dear:)

    @Niks- :) :) :)

    @A grain of sand- That's so sweet of you...Thanks:)

    @Beyond Horizon- I am happy to read your comment, thanks...:)

    @Karthik- Thanks Dear :)

    @My Soul's Journey- Thanks and Welcome here :)

    @Rosette Princess- I'm glad you loved it:)

    @Nisheeth- Thanks a ton for such nice words and welcome here:)

    @Hemant- Can't thank you enough Hemant:) And, yes I think I have a learn a lot from you too...Love your blog title:)

    @vyasa- Thanks and welcome here:)

    @Aakash Kokz- Thanks Aakash:)

    @Abhishek Ghosh- Thanks a lot Abhishek and welcome here:)

    @anu- Thank you so much:)

    @Kavita- Thanks Kavita, I read some of your work and I loved it...:)

    @thelittleknownali- Thank you so much!

    @Spark- Thanks a lot!

    @Ashwini- Thanks a lot Ashwini:)

    @Tina- Thanks Tina and welcome here:)

    @Chaitanya- Thank you so much!

    @deepbaazigar- Thanks Dear...:)

    @pallavi- Thank you Pallavi...

    @Nirvanic- Sure, tell her to share her poems with all of us...:)

    @Jobin Martin- Yes, it is about losing someone, Hope you liked it:)

    @AKSHAY KUMAR G- Thank you so much!

    @darshan- Thanks a ton dear...

  65. Beautiful poem. The pain and love communicated with admirable simplicity.

  66. Nice one...Its always lovely when someone walks into our life and its very hard when they walk out of our life...

  67. May I say Saru that your this post is now of 99.
    Means about to complete a century.

    I wish it to be 100. What do you say ?

    Your reply would surely make it so.

  68. Thank you Saru.
    You are so smart.
    Never mind.
    Now.with this comment your post is of 100.

  69. The comments - both quantitative and qualitative says it all!The comments - both quantitative and qualitative says it all!

  70. i believe in two mortals having the same soul. it hurts when i read the poem, again and again. it reminds me of myself.

    and anyway, the poem was wonderful, i do a mistake if i don't say that it is also melancholic.

  71. Epilogue...

    In vain we roared; in vain we tried
    To rouse her into laughter,
    Her pensive glances wandered wide
    From orchestra to rafter -
    "Tier upon Tier" she said, and sighed;
    And silence followed after

  72. Very touching,i feel for you.It's good to ofload emotions through writing.In a way it grants catharsis. But then it also makes one morose &lengthens the suffering.Do you agree?

  73. Really touching. Awesome composition. Keep writing poems like this :-)

  74. It's lovely, really! Rocks the emotion.

  75. I cant comment on this post jus by typing words....
    My immediate reaction after reading this is SILENCE. Silence speaks more than words. :)

  76. @Sameera- Thanks and means a lot coming from a writer like you...

    @Amar S.K- Thanks :)

    @Remya- True dear, losing someone close to you is very painful...

    @leoPaw- Thanks...

    @Rakesh Kumar- Thank you Sir for your invaluable comment. These days to reduce the count of my own comments in a post, I club the earlier replies with the new. So, with your comment count will increase. I'll copy my previous reply and paste it along with new reply. Count still remains at 99 Sir :)

    @Rakesh Kumar- Thank you so much Sir...:) :) :)

    @specs buffy- Thanks, I'm blessed with great company on the blog!

    @blackandwhiteheart- It's a really sad poem dear and thanks for admiring it!

    @sunilscove- What can I say for this! I'm speechless!

    @indu chhibber- Can't say, these poems are work of fiction...Thanks for liking it and welcome here...

    @Saurav Modak- Thanks Saurav:)

    @Nalini Hebbar- Thank you so much...:)

    @Ranj- Thank you dear and welcome here!

    @shivacharanraj- Thank you for such a heart warming comment!

    @Cartic- Thank you so much!!!

  77. Beautiful creation..your poem brings out many emotions at the same time :)

  78. This is BEAUTIFUL! The beginning sounded like MY story! :) But then it had a twist in it...very well written!

  79. such a beautiful poem.....
    Got tears in my eyes...

  80. Very well written! The words express the emotions beautifully!

  81. I read it only today...stunning poem! Great one Saru...

  82. First time here... Came across this very late... literally got carried away by the words. simple yet poignant. Got a lump in my throat.. Kudos!!!

  83. That was touching....Awesomely written :) Happy Blogging Saru :)

  84. @Madhusha- Thank you!

    @Richa Sharma- Thank you so much dear:)

    @Nikita Vhora- Thanks dear and welcome here:)

    @Rupertt Aryeen Wind- Thanks dear...

    @Mohur- Thank you Mohur:)

    @Nisha- Thanks:)

    @Ruhani Chawlia- Thanks dear and welcome here:)

    @ayesha- Thanks!

    @Siddhartha Joshi- Thanks, means a lot coming from you:)

    @Jane Doe- Thanks a lot dear, you are welcome here:)

    @☂☆ Vållῐ ★♬- Thanks a ton :)

  85. @Saru: Fantastic.. "He said we were one soul, Who were living in parts.." brilliant lines..

    1. Thank you Adam, means a lot coming from you...:)

  86. He said we are one soul living in parts-WOWW!:) What a line!! I just love the imagery you created in my mind though its sad in the end!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog Saru! sweet of you to have taken the time out to do that! :)

    i'm your new follower!! :)

    1. Thanks dear for reading the poems and admiring...:)

  87. pain beautifully expressed ,heartfelt

  88. i guess this is the other side of being a poet.. Dreaming & then regressing!!

    1. Yeah...Being a poet you can dwell on any thought. With words, even regression looks amazing!

  89. hurts to read it...this reader almost does not want the ending--want to hold on to the hope that the first few lines bring...will you write one where hope never ends?

    1. I will try Bhavana...Thanks for bringing a positive spark in this poem...:)

  90. as bhavana said..i just didnt want an ending....its just so tragically beautiful......I would appreciate and be eager to know your view on my poems to on my blog.

    I just loved this one and thanks a lot for sharing your writing.....

    1. I will try and thanks for reading. Will sure read your work.

    2. Thank you for reading my work...but I just cant get over this beautiful poem was reading it again now


    4. Awww...again thats really sweet of you :)

  91. seriously mahn!!! awesome work! :D m gonna learn a lot from u! :D :)

    1. Thank you Krishaal. I guess the better way to say is that we both will learn from each other...:)

  92. Really emotional, liked it a lot!

  93. Beautiful Poem. :) And some people have mentioned about the prominence of sadistic nature in your poems, I don't know about them but according to me, poems are better framed on negative emotions. Once again, Beautiful Poem. keep up the good work. I hope to write as good as you some day. :)

    1. I agree, poems that dwell on negative emotions have so much to say. And, believe me if I can write, anyone can write. With so much understanding of life you can definitely write way better than me. Thank you so much for reading and your beautiful comment.

      Welcome here :)

  94. nice work ....

  95. aww...I wish they are only words...a person is so sad and you don't make it look all that bad..how sweet..

    1. You know this is the first poem which helped me in gaining audience. I feel so connected to it. I am glad after reading such a positive comment from you :)

  96. Very touching poem and it invokes emotions while reading. Keep it up !! :) :)

  97. Beautiful and yet sad... Nice work :)

  98. It's beautiful!!! Loved the way you described the arrival and departure of true love.

    Miracles Happen!

    1. Thanks dear. Love stays I guess, no matter what happens.

  99. Awesome.. love it.. Love stays forever..

  100. Quite a poem, a sad ending though.

    1. I agree but thankfully it's just an expression. Thanks for reading Shalu:)

  101. So sad and touching, conveyed powerfully....

  102. u conveyd ur feelings so well that i can feel ur(!) heartache...
    well expressed poem saru ji.


  103. heart touching...again awwsomEE

  104. depicting feelings unsaid before....

  105. Nice poem. Liked it :-)

  106. "Forever is a long time. But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side."
    pretty nice poem.. had d feel to it..

  107. Nice poem :) I loved reading it..But felt so sad at the end..Visit my blog and read my poems too

  108. hi saru...what i liked again in ur creation...its ends wid hope...ya hope not to give up...keep writing saru..lot more to here 4m u!!!

    1. Hope is something which keeps us alive in times of stress.Thanks for reading dear :)

  109. What an expression !!!

    I am lately becoming fan of your posts !!!

    I wish I had been here earlier !!

    Beautiful !!!

    Happy Blogging !!!

  110. clean and simple...easy to understand...i am gonna read al your other posts:-)

  111. Very touching poem! Very well written.

  112. nice and emotional...:)

  113. A lend of being happy and sad at the same moment. Touching!

  114. I meant blend sorry for the typo error :)

    1. No problems, we can read the tyops very efficiently Saurabh. Thanks for reading :)

  115. Do i have words to tell you what i just read ? Lost in the feel of the poem. Keep writing even do over time i tell you. Dont eat, sleep just write Saru.

  116. that is way to touching and emotional... could actually feel the emotions.. loved it

  117. Hi, i am new to blogging. Have to learn as to how to portray such ingrained emotions with such simplicity from your work. Wonderful!

  118. Your poem got a touch. Good One.

  119. no words ...
    heart throbbing ..


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